Page Hang Ups Using Mac Desktop

Jul 10, 2012
North Carolina Coast
I just wanted to report this, curious if others have this issue.
It seems BITOG freezes up and stops responding at times, much more frequent lately. I sometimes expect this in a forum based app and ignore it but today I feel like writing about it, it seems more frequent.

MacOS 14.5
Safari Version 17.5

Try to make a post or go to a different thread and randomly the site becomes non responsive. The progress bar in the browser just stops about 25% into bringing up the new page. Completely useless trying to stop and refresh. It just freezes. Sometimes the whole browser and I have to close it.
Just now around 10:10AM I was able to open additional browsers while BITOG was frozen. I easily went to some other sites like CNN, FOX, NY Post at the snap of a finger while BITOG was frozen. The site never recovered until I completely closed the browser and came back in. Also other times it completely freezes the browser and unable to open anything else up unless I completely close it.

Sometimes when posting, you get those animated yellow bars going across the screen, even on an iPhone 13 and nothing happens watching the yellow bars animate across the screen for up to a minute, it doesnt post, but you can then click a second time and it will post, sometimes a 3rd time.

Anyway is became more frequent I though it was me or my connection but I have no issues with any other sites what so ever and thought I would let others know.

Another issue was cleared up a while back and that was the one with disappearing text (another thread)
Zero issues with this site(that aren't directly related to my connection) on any of my computers-my 2019 iMac, 2015 MacBook Pro, and 2021 MacBook Pro.

I'm running Monterey, Ventura, and Sonoma between those three computers, although using Firefox on all three.
I just wanted to report this, curious if others have this issue.
It seems BITOG freezes up and stops responding at times, much more frequent lately. I sometimes expect this in a forum based app and ignore it but today I feel like writing about it, it seems more frequent.

MacOS 14.5
Safari Version 17.5

Try to make a post or go to a different thread and randomly the site becomes non responsive. The progress bar in the browser just stops about 25% into bringing up the new page. Completely useless trying to stop and refresh. It just freezes. Sometimes the whole browser and I have to close it.
Just now around 10:10AM I was able to open additional browsers while BITOG was frozen. I easily went to some other sites like CNN, FOX, NY Post at the snap of a finger while BITOG was frozen. The site never recovered until I completely closed the browser and came back in. Also other times it completely freezes the browser and unable to open anything else up unless I completely close it.

Sometimes when posting, you get those animated yellow bars going across the screen, even on an iPhone 13 and nothing happens watching the yellow bars animate across the screen for up to a minute, it doesnt post, but you can then click a second time and it will post, sometimes a 3rd time.

Anyway is became more frequent I though it was me or my connection but I have no issues with any other sites what so ever and thought I would let others know.

Another issue was cleared up a while back and that was the one with disappearing text (another thread)
Was there a recent firmware or software update?
BITOG works fine on my Macbook and W7 desktop. Try this: empty the cache and cookies in your browser.
I do that regularly, like weekly or more basis and absolutely if I encounter an issue, along with a restart. Nothing ever changed and had no improvement.
Also keep in mind it happens on all my devices, iPhone, Desktop and Laptop, all late model Apple devices.

Interestingly, not one hang up today. I suspect it's maybe something unrelated to me but somehow related to BITOG internet infrastructure handling this area, if that makes any sense. Some days like yesterday when I posted this it was terrible and today it's perfect. Most days it's just random once in awhile and not a big deal.
I'm a Mac only guy and no issues between a laptop, a desktop at home, and a desktop at work. I use Safari and I'm running MacOS 14.5.
Also keep in mind it happens on all my devices, iPhone, Desktop and Laptop, all late model Apple devices.
This is likely a key point demonstrating that the best route from your PC to BITOG is crossing a congested network or peering point. Have you don't any progressive pings or traceroutes?
I just wanted to report this, curious if others have this issue.
It seems BITOG freezes up and stops responding at times, much more frequent lately. I sometimes expect this in a forum based app and ignore it but today I feel like writing about it, it seems more frequent.

MacOS 14.5
Safari Version 17.5

Try to make a post or go to a different thread and randomly the site becomes non responsive. The progress bar in the browser just stops about 25% into bringing up the new page. Completely useless trying to stop and refresh. It just freezes. Sometimes the whole browser and I have to close it.
Just now around 10:10AM I was able to open additional browsers while BITOG was frozen. I easily went to some other sites like CNN, FOX, NY Post at the snap of a finger while BITOG was frozen. The site never recovered until I completely closed the browser and came back in. Also other times it completely freezes the browser and unable to open anything else up unless I completely close it.

Sometimes when posting, you get those animated yellow bars going across the screen, even on an iPhone 13 and nothing happens watching the yellow bars animate across the screen for up to a minute, it doesnt post, but you can then click a second time and it will post, sometimes a 3rd time.

Anyway is became more frequent I though it was me or my connection but I have no issues with any other sites what so ever and thought I would let others know.

Another issue was cleared up a while back and that was the one with disappearing text (another thread)
Problem is Safari, I have similar problems where also Safari cannot open/reach the site yet when I do this with Brave
no problem whatsoever.
This is likely a key point demonstrating that the best route from your PC to BITOG is crossing a congested network or peering point. Have you don't any progressive pings or traceroutes?
No but wouldn’t know what this is.
@Pelican has an interesting post because this happens across all my devices at times even when on a different network.

Meaning if I even understand the question you are asking me it seems like the pings would be related to my network and provider but what about when I’m on a different network such when using my cell phone outside my home at other locations.

If I go on to say also on my laptop when I’m not home I can’t be sure because I would have to remember just over a year ago before we moved into this house but I think it’s happened all the time and I got used to it. Though it seems to come and go so maybe it has to do with traffic, now if I could remember back over a year ago I lived in another state 150 miles away

I’ll pay more attention as I think it’s a good point made by pelican and yet the network traffic comment from you makes sense too because it’s not all the time and comes and goes. Maybe I’ll put opera on my desktop too.

I can’t repeat this issue on other sites though but now I will have to document when it happens again. Sometimes it can be gone for a while. Though when I made the OP the it really hung up on just BITOG and asked my wife in the same room on her Mac if she ever has this issue and reply was no. (Not a BITOG) user

Interesting issue and don’t want to make it sound a bigger issue than it is. The day of the OP it was really stuck and that’s when I went to a bunch of other sites with no issues. Came in here to see if others knew what I was talking about and will also see/try pelicans suggestion if and when it happens again or whatever you may suggest. Which I’m not knowledgeable about. But certain this happens intermittently no matter what network I am on. I’m also on a new router if that makes a difference and it still happens just on this site.
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Problem is Safari, I have similar problems where also Safari cannot open/reach the site yet when I do this with Brave
no problem whatsoever.
Are you up-to-date? I use Safari for everything and can not remember the last time I needed to switch to another browser because Safari was misbehaving. Certainly no issues with Bitog.
I have a 2023 Mac 24" with the same 14.5/17.5 but I use Brave and have never had a problem. Could it be a specific Ad Blocker or Malware guard or other protection software on your system bumping heads with Safari? Try a different browser? I know Safari doesn't always get the highest reviews or regard. Good luck sorting it.
Are you up-to-date? I use Safari for everything and can not remember the last time I needed to switch to another browser because Safari was misbehaving. Certainly no issues with Bitog.
I was posting that long post above yours when you were replying.
Good to hear various responses, I use Safari for everything too but may try @Pelican response since he seems to know what is happening, then we have @wwillson who understands network traffic with his ideas.

Makes me wonder if it can be a regional thing with traffic and browser? If such a thing could happen. I’m leaning traffic but then why also outside of my network.

Anyway good to hear responses I’ll start noting time and day of issues too. Thing is after all these posts I don’t know when and if it will happen again. Sometimes it can be a while and I think they fixed it only to return

(Dog has to go outside and then off to the beach) lol
I have a 2023 Mac 24" with the same 14.5/17.5 but I use Brave and have never had a problem. Could it be a specific Ad Blocker or Malware guard or other protection software on your system bumping heads with Safari? Try a different browser? I know Safari doesn't always get the highest reviews or regard. Good luck sorting it.
I get your post but my computer works fine, except issues at times with BITOG. I dont use secondary apps or programs on my Safari browsers.
I think it maybe Safari, maybe their built in anti tracking software is affecting this site.

Ill try Opera right now heading to the breach, keep in mind this is only intermittent but read post below
Ok, heading to the beach on this hot and sunny day, Came in here, made a few posts no issues until just as I was on my last post, just a short two or 3 second hang up where the lines move from left to right on the screen took place but ended quickly. I did a speed test, no issue there.

Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 10.22.36 AM.jpg

Im ok if this thread gets closed, but it is interesting to see maybe an issue with Safari and this area? I dont know but not a big deal, feel free to close the thread if need be.
I get your post but my computer works fine, except issues at times with BITOG. I dont use secondary apps or programs on my Safari browsers.
I think it maybe Safari, maybe their built in anti tracking software is affecting this site.

Ill try Opera right now heading to the breach, keep in mind this is only intermittent but read post below
It's just weird that many other, including myself, use Safari with no issues. I even have a bunch of extensions installed which usually makes the situation worse and not better. I have had in the past little gremlins that would happen from time to time on Mac and Windows and I consider them to be like little mutations that the OS accumulates over time in a configuration file or another support file. Sometimes they would only go away after reinstalling the entire program or the entire OS even though everything had been up-to-date. Good luck!
It's just weird that many other, including myself, use Safari with no issues. I even have a bunch of extensions installed which usually makes the situation worse and not better. I have had in the past little gremlins that would happen from time to time on Mac and Windows and I consider them to be like little mutations that the OS accumulates over time in a configuration file or another support file. Sometimes they would only go away after reinstalling the entire program or the entire OS even though everything had been up-to-date. Good luck!
I don’t know much about internet infrastructure I wonder if it’s a regional thing because it also has happened on my iPhone 13 connected to the cell
Network.. not a big deal was just curious another posted they had that issue with safari anyway thanks for your reply sitting on the beach right now Verizon LTE and sometimes UC 😀
Are you up-to-date? I use Safari for everything and can not remember the last time I needed to switch to another browser because Safari was misbehaving. Certainly no issues with Bitog.
Yes it's up to date, but I have no idea why it cannot open/reach certain web pages/sites whereas Brave has no problems.
Ok, I thought I would post on last time on this. Clearly an issue but easy to handle so will say no more unless asked. Misbehaving today BITOG.
I did two screen shots, FYI my computers work perfectly on any other site. But granted I am to not actively participate in many forums.

First screen shot you can see an orange.brownish bar under the "meta" tab when the page hangs that bar appears and scrolls across the page left to right, at the same time those three bars at the top right actively move left to right.

Second screen shot comes up if you wait for the bars to stop scrolling. Not making a big deal out of it, just letting the powers that be it an infrequent weird issue on multiple current Apple devices. Mac desktop, MacBook and iPhone.

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 11.19.15 AM.jpg


Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 11.19.28 AM.jpg
UPDATE to the above post, after that post I went back and interestingly (after I closed the meta yahoo stock tab) as of right now this page freezes up every time where others do not. Weird but this is just today's example. Meaning it happens randomly no matter the page. You can see the orange bar how it scrolls across the screen and then the 3 vertical bars on the top. It was followed by the same message I posted above, no sense reposting that.

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 11.40.21 AM.jpg