Our Fishing Trip

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Because I dont know the guy who was the capitain, so I figured its best to not show faces of folks dont know and whose approval I dont have. I see them do this on TV sometimes (granted, that is for profit), so I figured Id do the same. I didnt block my face - Im the goofy on ein the white shirt and military surplus hat - but my face isnt in most of the pics... Be thankful you dont have to see my ugly mug and huge schnozz... My fiancee and her father are clearly displayed.

Maybe its OK, I dont know.. just trying to be respectful, FWIW.

Buccaneers love their privacy, savvy? Arrr!

I'd be afraid of a big fish pulling me overboard, falling into the cruel sea, and Bruce eating me.
We went out yesterday evening to do some fishing off of the North Drop, here in the USVI. My fiancee has a blue marlin record, her father owns a great fishing tackle shop, and so wer were bound to have a fun time.

At first, it was real slow. We saw lots of skipjack tunas, but they'd move so fast (the bait out there were tiny little fish, scrambling all over the place) that we couldnt get much of anything, and so eventually we stopped chasing the birds. I caught one small tuna just pulling a line, and we kept it to give to one of the locals.

After a while of trying different spots, my fiancee caught one, a nice one:


After a bit more slow going, I got a bite... and man was it ever! That thing fought and fought... the rods were cracking, the line was whining, and whenever Id get it 3/4 of the way pulled in, it would drop, and Id let out 100yd of line. I fought and fought and fought:

And as I was wrasslin', the four other lines caught one after another! My fiancee was working hard pulling in all the tuna!

And after a while, and a LOT of fighting and getting pulled around, I got to see this:



A very large silk shark! It was 6-7 feeet long, and Im sure it was very heavy (I deleted the face of the captain of the boat we were on, as I don't know him). I know that today I am quite sore!
So, we had fun on the way back, and got to enjoy a nice Caribbean sunset:

Back at the docks, we laid out our catch:

One tuna is missing, as her father already got started on the fileting before i could get out my camera and start shooting. Total tally: 1 skipjack, 5 blackfin, and one silk shark, plus at least two other bites that got away.

We will be eating good tonight (it was too late when we got back in last night):

And just for fun, we threw some heads and guts in to the tarpon, and I snagged a big one for fun, but we didnt take him from the water, we unsnagged the hook:


So that was fun! We were here for the Boy Scout Blue Marlin Tournament, got to do some fishing ourselves, and had a fun time... cant wait for dinner!

Nice images!! A word of caution though. Here off the coast of N.C. a couple of years ago some fellows had a large fish on, one of the fellows had wrapped the line around his arm trying to bring the fish in. He was pulled overboard, and the last time his buddies seen him was about 30 ft. down and still going.... he was never seen again. His buddies dived in trying to save him but they couldn't catch up because the fish was dragging him faster than they could dive. I'm sure the Captain of your boat was well aware of the danger. Could be a nasty cut also by the line if the fish made a run for it. I ALWAYS remind the fellows on my boat, no matter how small or large the fish is, you DO NOT wrap the fishing line around your hand or arm!
Yeah, very true! I was a bit worried about that myself!

My father told me to never have anything wrapped around myself, especially on boats/ships!

I think people tend to forget that there are some large, very large, fish out in the ocean waters and their survival instinct is to run! I think they said the fish I referenced in the above note was a Blue Marlin at about 650 lbs., that fellow did not have a chance!

Something else that may put a brown stain in your shorts is when you are about to bring in a fish on the boat and an even larger fish rolls up and takes it from you leaving only the head. Some friends were bringing in what they estimated a 20 lb. King Mackerel, the tail was already out of the water bringing it over the side and an Amber Jack jumped up and took the fish, leaving them with only the head. Scared the **** out of them.....
I agree.

Totally cool trip. Nice fish.

Someday I want to do a east fish trip. Got room on the boat?

I hate to say this, but all we catch in the WA places I fish are salmon and bottom fish. I used to fish A LOT when I lived in So Cal. Sometimes that was a bit more interesting as to what you might pull up. It's interesting to feel the fight in the differnt varieties of salmon. King seems in the lead, but they are bigger, so they get an advantage. Silver have soft mouths so there is no jerking involved.

That said it seems like the dark muscley tuna types have some super reserved running powers. We used to fish for bonita with medium trout gear. Woowho!!!
Yea, come on over! We will find room for you somewhere! Our annual week long fishing trip to Ocracoke Island, N.C. is coming up soon. 'Bout 6 weeks and counting down! We all have our fingers crossed the weather will not interfere.... I call the N.C. coast part of Hurricane Alley!
Awesome pics.

I've managed to snag a few trout at the trout farm, and a few flathead and bream at the coast...must go on a boat one day.
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