One way to stop a criminal

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Jun 22, 2004
Central Iowa
If you can't catch 'em, run 'em over!

Texas Style Arrest

(I have no sympathy for the bad guys!).
Welp, I'm glad this is in Texas. If it was somewhere else, the cop would have probably been charged with more stuff.

Once you tresspass on another kinda give up the right to ask for justice or fair play since you denied it to someone else. You can only pray that the victim isn't in a punitive mood.

You are right he will file a lawsuit. But damages will be capped according to law. He may not even be able to win. Either 250k or 500k current limit.

So much for 100%
Let me get this straight? for a purse snatching offense one should get run over? This guy could have injuries that will haunt him the rest of his life. Where did the idea that punishment only happened after being properly convicted go to?

I bet all of you would have a different view of this if it was your child that was run over.

Dont get me wrong, I am not pro-criminal, but when the cops cant control theselves and do this stuff, they should be out of a job. I guess we need to go back to the old "shoot em if they run" too.

I'm glad I don't have that job. Any P_O_S could have a gun and when someone runs from you, I'd assume the worst. From the video, I'm not sure what the motivations were.
It wasn't the purse-snatching that raised the ire of police, I think it was the 100mph chase afterward:

"(Houston, TX) - A police chase in Houston, Texas, ended in dramatic fashion on Wednesday.

It started when the suspect stole a purse in a Wal-Mart parking lot then took off in a car.

The suspect led police on a chase that reached speeds of up to 100 miles per hour.

It ended when the suspect drove the car into a drainage ditch. A female was arrested at the scene.

The male driver attempted to run and was hit by a police truck. The man was arrested and taken to the hospital."
Lesson 1: Never run away from police, you could get shot for that if they misunderstood the situation (i.e you have a bomb or WMD, like in Brittan).

Lesson 2: You can never outrun a police vehicle on foot.

Lesson 3: Don't break the law.
He was moving around as if nothing happened. If you notice, the ground was really soft, akin to mud. It's one of those things that looked actually worse that what had happened. If you watched the OU/Texas A&M game, you would have seen what appeared to be Rhett Bomar's left leg get completely bent backwards, but he walked off as if nothing happened.
Idiot should not have ran from the cops, period. Don't give me this mamby-pamby feel sorry for the guy because he got run over Krap. If that was YOUR purse or YOUR wifes or'd feel the same way. PUH-LEASE.
When the police are out of control, we are all in danger. Even with a 100mph chase, it dont matter, police still do not have the right to brutalize suspects. Suspect was running, but police are paid to control themselves and use enough force to do the job, not any more.

The most dangerous thing in the world is any government functionary with too much power, add a gun and an itchy trigger finger or a yen to run someone over and its not good at all.

The most dangerous thing in the world is any government functionary with too much power, add a gun and an itchy trigger finger or a yen to run someone over and its not good at all.

Disagree..the most dangerous thing in the world is to treat criminals like they are people. In the old days they hung horsethieves without a trial. In my younger years you gave police respect bc you knew they had authority. Power to the Police as in this example. Wish we had more of it.
I'm sorry they didn't run over him, back up and do it right by running over him again.
Wow, just the society I want to live in...local police as enforcer, judge, jury and executioner...Kinda reminds me of Nazi Germany,,,now that was a good place to live if you were a Nazi that is.


[ November 14, 2005, 04:05 PM: Message edited by: Dan4510 ]
It disturbs me to see any human get hit by a car. Maybe I'm a weakling. It does NOT bug me a bit to see a convicted child molestor, murderer, rapist get hit by a car, because these people turned their human certification when they commited the crime under the full view of G0D. Under the eyes of the law they gave up their rights.

Watching this video I can pass little judgement because I have no idea as to a crime being committed. If he is a guilty dude then the video is a hoot.
I have very little sympathy for the guy. There is no doubt that he broke the law by stealing someone elses propery then ran from the police when he damaged the property (ran the car into the ditch). He's the one that started the pursuit, he could have ended it at any time but elected not to. I put the fault with the bad guy, not the good guys who are working to keep my family and I safe from thugs like this.
I don't feel sorry for him, but I think the police should have some self control instead of running him over.

B____ Slapping him after he refuse to be arrested is fine, but running over someone with a truck is too far.

A couple of years ago in San Jose area a police shot a housewife opening/answering the door in front of her kid, because she has a potato peeler in her hand. The police didn't ask her to drop it or warn her before firing.

She died in front of her son.
Who watches the watchers? Police always show up after, they are protecting society at large, not you as an individual. they have no responsiblity to protect any one individual. Several court cases back this up.

Still bothers me that the the kinder/gentler bretherin of the BITOG want blood for a purse. Gives me the shivers.

Police always show up after, they are protecting society at large, not you as an individual. they have no responsiblity [sic] to protect any one individual. Several court cases back this up.

by: Dan4510

No, Dan you are mistaken. Law enforcement "show up" during, not "after", many bank robberies, domestic disturbances, etc.

You confuse "responsibilities" with duties and powers. Law enforcement officers are "responsible" to the individual, hence they should not shoot at a fleeing suspect if the suspect is running towards a crowd of people for fear/danger of missing the suspect and hitting a bystander (individual).

Just because other BITOG members opinions differ from yours, doesn't mean they want "blood" or are less noble/altruistic than yours.

And your "Nazi" argument. Gosh, such a good analogy. The deep reasoning behind your statement is clear. Suspect hit with a truck and somehow WWII is clearly relevant.
Dan4510 wrote:

Police always show up after, they are protecting society at large, not you as an individual. they have no responsiblity to protect any one individual.

Amen to the 2nd Amendment brother. Be prepared to protect yourself.
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