Oil Change : Hot, Cold or Warm, or does it matter?

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Originally Posted By: AMC
Originally Posted By: oilboy123

I'll liken it to apple cider. (I happen to be drinking some right now). The bottle always says to "shake well", that way you get all the "good stuff" in suspension. I believe it's the same with a crankcase. I like to buzz the engine up and hold it at a couple thousand RPMs for a few minutes just before I drain it.

Wouldn't that mean that you would want to change the oil cold so all the "good stuff" is on the bottom and gets drained out of the engine first? It would seem you don't want all the particles and contaminants (good stuff) to be distributed back up into the engine so they can't be drained out completely.
I think the OP has a very good question here.

Well, to continue the apple cider analogy... If I don't shake the apple cider, my wife gets all upset because the "good stuff" stays in the bottom of the jug. I can hear her now, "you didn't shake the apple cider, did you?"

If it's in suspension, it will drain.
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