Not a random photo thread

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I posted some of your filters FYI. Take a peek

I have a half quart of EC here, I may not need it. Maybe I can drop it off to you mid-week?

I'd rather do that, then overfill my other crankcase by a half a quart, which already has some MMO in it, ~8-10 ounces of..

Without turning this into my travel blog, I may be able to do that (drop it off) in a day or two, if you give me the green light to. En route


I have a half quart of EC here, I may not need it. Maybe I can drop it off to you mid-week?

I'd rather do that, then overfill my other crankcase by a half a quart, which already has some MMO in it, ~8-10 ounces of..

Without turning this into my travel blog, I may be able to do that (drop it off) in a day or two, if you give me the green light to. En routeView attachment 85904
View attachment 85905
I’ll take it and use it

I have a half quart of EC here, I may not need it. Maybe I can drop it off to you mid-week?

I'd rather do that, then overfill my other crankcase by a half a quart, which already has some MMO in it, ~8-10 ounces of..

Without turning this into my travel blog, I may be able to do that (drop it off) in a day or two, if you give me the green light to. En routeView attachment 85904
View attachment 85905
Hey Schwinney, tell
Is about the FRAM ULTRA 6607 of yours I just cut and posted. Thank You
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