Non responsive Car Advertisements

Dec 6, 2019
Are folks so bored that they will post a car for sale on Craigslist or Facebook marketplace just to see who reacts?
I see ones that I would definitely like to see and negotiate the purchase but no response. Can’t necessarily be a scam if there’s no response or I am missing the obvious. I am confused so responses are welcome.
I don't think it is that. People just don't know how to communicate these days.

Case in point, I spent two weeks trying to buy some firewood about a month ago. People either didn't respond, or would respond days later and not answer any of the questions I'd sent.

No one knows how to get a sale these days. I guess they just throw it out there and hope for the best, not wanting to put any actual effort into it.
I have the same experiences with Craigslist. The sellers go to the trouble to pay for / list an ad, and replies to the potential buyers are slow or none at all.
People put up an ad, then ten responders respond.

The seller is trying to be fair, so he makes an appointment with the first guy to message. That appointment's two days out. First guy flakes. Second guy is the "safety" and gets messaged next. Ditto. If you've messaged the seller you could be way down the list, but the car hasn't sold yet.

When I reply to these ads, I'm Always Being Closing. "Hi, I'm in (nearby town) and free today, would like to look at your (car name). Does 5 pm work for you?"

I don't ask questions, I don't haggle, I do nothing but set up an appointment where I can do all that.
Are folks so bored that they will post a car for sale on Craigslist or Facebook marketplace just to see who reacts?
I see ones that I would definitely like to see and negotiate the purchase but no response. Can’t necessarily be a scam if there’s no response or I am missing the obvious. I am confused so responses are welcome.
So bored that there is stupid bs like this posted on autotrader, should be illegal

That is an ad that "etipsdaily" paid Google to show wherever they can. The website it appears on doesn't really control those.
That is an ad that "etipsdaily" paid Google to show wherever they can. The website it appears on doesn't really control those.
The ad is a scam, should I be able to advertise $9999 trucks that don’t exist?
Etipsdaily has a 1% trust score.

No different than placing one of the many scammy for sale ads on Craig’s or fbook.
People put up an ad, then ten responders respond.

The seller is trying to be fair, so he makes an appointment with the first guy to message. That appointment's two days out. First guy flakes. Second guy is the "safety" and gets messaged next. Ditto. If you've messaged the seller you could be way down the list, but the car hasn't sold yet.

When I reply to these ads, I'm Always Being Closing. "Hi, I'm in (nearby town) and free today, would like to look at your (car name). Does 5 pm work for you?"

I don't ask questions, I don't haggle, I do nothing but set up an appointment where I can do all that.

Exactly this, most private sellers don't know how to sell so you as the buyer have to take control of the situation.

And if you're selling, never schedule an appointment days out...they'll always flake. If they aren't ready to come over in an hour or two, I tell them to contact me when they're ready to make sure I still have it. That always lights a fire under them.
As a seller on FB:

  • I don't respond to people that obviously did not read my post and ask a question that was in the post.
  • If your profile does not look real, I'm ignoring you..
  • Do not respond to people who ask questions like "does this fit my car" when I've already given out the complete specs of say, a wheel. Do your own research. Now if they ask me a question like "did these wheels rub on your car when dropped xxxx inches" then I will be as helpful as I can.
  • If you have a thoughtful "I want to buy" response and ask if I ship to anywhere or accept MoneyGram or similar money services, I ignore you. (Part of the "if you don't read my ad" point.)
    • If you do not accept to meet at a public place, I ignore you.

Reasons is because sellers get so much fake stuff that it becomes annoying to fish through the fake crap too get to the real person who wants to buy; almost like online "tire-kickers."
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Another "method" I've experienced is when a party lists a car he likes to flip. He'll leave the ad up to get responses.
He sells one and may or may not have the next one ready to go.
I know this doesn't answer every possible configuration of "less than 100% straightforward" dealing, but it's one I've experienced.
It's not 100% evil.
One guy answered directly when I asked him if he was doing it. (they get to save on ads by reusing the same one)

He said, "I sold the red one. o you want a blue one?" That is when we spoke.