"NFL Picks"

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Feb 5, 2009
Regular season kicks off tonight and now is the time to lay down your crystal-ball-like Superbowl picks.

I'll start:

New England vs New Orleans

Winner = New England Patriots

(p.s. I'm a Dolphins fan, so I'm not happy about this)
I pick the Colts and Packers for the SB.

I pick the Saints to kick the Vikings butts tonight.

I pick Dallas to have the worse season they've had in the past three years.
Just heard on the radio, Tom Brady was in an auto accident!

Might have to get a Mulligan on my AFC Pick!!!

How he's ok.
alot of espns "experts" are picking the ravens and green bay packers.
Originally Posted By: Cutehumor
Titans vs Green Bay. titans for the SB win!

after yesterday's whooping of the raiders, anyone want to jump on the Titans bandwagon?
Winning against the Raiders is like winning against a 11 RuPaul's.
The Raiders are awful.

On the bandwagon I will be once the Titans beat some real team.
Originally Posted By: Johnny
I pick Dallas to have the worse season they've had in the past three years.

Good job on this Johnny!! Everyone was thinking superbowl, so how did you know that they would have the worst year? I am impressed!!
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