New Valvoline Synthetic Blend vs 2008 Dodge Ram MDS

Indications-The engine bump when it engages and disengages. This along with MPG difference when conventional and synthetic is used.
There is no way under any circumstances that you could measure an MPG difference in real-world driving between oil base stocks. Besides, a conventional oil is chemically the same, more or less to a Group III synthetic. The MPG difference you may have observed is not due to the oil.
You do know that ALL API SP 5W-20 and 5W-30 oils are synthetic blends, right?
The QS 5W-20 you put in is pretty well the same as the Valvoline you drained out.
Yes sir, that's what my brain tells me also, however, I am seeing a different reaction. I just move so I am pulling some old oil from the shelf also because I am no loner in a large metro area so maybe I am pulling some old SM/SN oil? I will check the jugs next time if that would even affect it.
Yes sir, that's what my brain tells me also, however, I am seeing a different reaction. I just move so I am pulling some old oil from the shelf also because I am no loner in a large metro area so maybe I am pulling some old SM/SN oil? I will check the jugs next time if that would even affect it.
Nor will the API license.
My question is then why he think he has MDS. It would "rumble" on the earlier trucks (and I can feel it in my SRT) but you can't feel it on the DT's, we only know it comes on and off because of the exhaust note (ours has aftermarket exhaust).
Based on everything I am being told, what I thought was MDS might be an intermittent 5th gear. I only get 4 RPM drops, however, .67 and .75 are not a very large RPM spread. It is going in this week to get checked. It does not explain the oil changes, except for bad luck and bad timing maybe.
The “1500” mega cab never ever had MDS. That’s because it’s really a 2500. Only the 5 lug trucks starting in 2006 had MDS. If your truck is making a sound like it has MDS you got a potential major problem
The “1500” mega cab never ever had MDS. That’s because it’s really a 2500. Only the 5 lug trucks starting in 2006 had MDS. If your truck is making a sound like it has MDS you got a potential major problem
We’ve already established this.