New Tesla SW release - freeway lanes

Jan 9, 2010
Los Gatos, CA
The new SW release shows freeway lanes and the one you are on. This is a 3 lane; it just reduced from 4. Pretty dang cool!
Our car is in the middle... A little yellow line appears if something is near. If you expand the pic, you will see the yellow line for the van. AP moves you off center away from vehicles that are too close.
On the lower left you see a ! tire; that zooms out to see all the lanes, which is what you see here. Gotta find me a 6 lane freeway!
I have a system too. It’s called the Mk1 eyeball. It can instantly tell me how many lanes there are and the surrounding traffic. It is easily adaptable too.
Interested to see what happens when a deep pothole or a tire retread pops up out of nowhere.

Nice display!
I have a system too. It’s called the Mk1 eyeball. It can instantly tell me how many lanes there are and the surrounding traffic. It is easily adaptable too.

You only think that it can tell you about the surrounding traffic. Your brain is telling you that it knows where everything is, but in reality it only knows what is happening in the narrow cone you are focusing on at the time.

Machine vision is not yet as good as human image recognition, but it already has many aspects where it is far superior. The obvious one is 360 degree monitoring. Even with mirrors, humans miss most of what is happening beside and behind them. And when humans do notice, they instinctively fall into a 'tunnel vision' / rubbernecking attention-lock that overwhelms their previous situational awareness.
Not quite perfected yet.

We know some details of the first widely-published accident.

The initial news reporting implied that it was a Tesla self-driving crash, but that is not the case.
A 22 year old male with a suspended license was driving at high speed in the early morning hours, with a 21 year old female who was badly injured in the wreck.
We know that that the auto-steer system was not engaged.
The Tesla auto-brake system limits its functionality at high speeds, and disables it entirely at very high speeds to avoid triggering accidents.

Given the click-bait nature of the reporting on the first accident, which shouldn't have been more than a local news story, I suggest waiting for more details before suggesting that the recent one has anything to do with self-driving. Drivers often try to shift the blame to someone else, and now they can blame the car.
You only think that it can tell you about the surrounding traffic. Your brain is telling you that it knows where everything is, but in reality it only knows what is happening in the narrow cone you are focusing on at the time.

Machine vision is not yet as good as human image recognition, but it already has many aspects where it is far superior. The obvious one is 360 degree monitoring. Even with mirrors, humans miss most of what is happening beside and behind them. And when humans do notice, they instinctively fall into a 'tunnel vision' / rubbernecking attention-lock that overwhelms their previous situational awareness.
Well, I can see through fog. And snow. In all directions at once. Even when I am adjusting the radio, AC, gas guage and fumbling to adjust all the mirrors. Not to mention when I am yelling at the brats. And rocking out to the Stones and Led Zep. I always pay 110% attention. Always. And so do all the other drivers around me. Right?
Well, I can see through fog. And snow. In all directions at once. Even when I am adjusting the radio, AC, gas guage and fumbling to adjust all the mirrors. Not to mention when I am yelling at the brats. And rocking out to the Stones and Led Zep. I always pay 110% attention. Always. And so do all the other drivers around me. Right?

also add - dialing a number you are looking up on a website - while you are also reading composing a new email to your direct reports about that last performance chart you got from finance. Everyone does great job driving through all that and never even weaves out of lane.....

Stopping every 2-3 hours for a 15 minute catch up actually works better for me in some ways.