New computer, best AD blocker for Windows 11

I've used AdblockPlus for years. Works fine in pretty much every browser. You do have to go into the settings and turn off "show acceptable ads" to block all ads, not just most of them.

Ublock Origin is "better" in theory and some people swear by it, but it's a bit too strict and blocks entire pages or links from email sometimes. A hassle to explain to clients, friends, family, etc. which is why I prefer and recommend ABP.
uBlock Origin is one of the very few that seems to actually block all ads now. Adblockplus was my original go to but they started allowing ads on Youtube, not sure if they updated it since though.
uBlock Origin is one of the very few that seems to actually block all ads now. Adblockplus was my original go to but they started allowing ads on Youtube, not sure if they updated it since though.
ABP successfully blocks all YT ads as long as you turn off "show acceptable ads" in the extension settings.
Ublock Origin has been working fine for me for several years, I have to shut it off sometimes for work/diagnostic/troubleshooting but for the most part life has been ad free.
I use whatever "ad-block" is installed in common browsers (I use Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox primarily) and then this:

It's a repository of tracking, spam, advertising, etc. sites that is updated often. Use that to modify your HOSTS file, which essentially makes your system unable to find them. I've found it *can* break a few things. My biggest gripe is by default it breaks many Google sponsored links that I sometimes want to see, but I've gotten used to avoiding those where it's second nature now. One could fine tune the hosts file so that it doesn't cripple Google sponsored links.