Neighbors overreacting or do I need my eyes checked?

Aug 12, 2015
So I was headed home today and my neighbors got mad because apparently I almost hit them on a turn in the road. It is a residential street and I am doing 25 mph as usual. The speed limit here is 30. I can’t cut the corner short even slightly and always have to stay right because you can’t see oncoming traffic until you’re halfway through(had a close call a few years ago with an oncoming car turning wide). It won’t let me post the video footage but I posted some screen shots below with descriptions. The camera does pick up light abit better but still pretty close to what the human eye can see.

Were they overreacting or do I need to get my eyes checked?


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Aaarrgh!!! One of my pet peeves is people that wear dark clothing outside at night. Particularly when they are walking or crossing streets or roads. And even more so, when they are old enough to know better!

No, you did nothing wrong. Buy your neighbors a pair of high reflective safety vests. Perhaps they will get the point.
Show them the pics and suggest reflective vests or something. Not your responsibility to buy them safety gear.

Had a 18 year old kid get run over and killed by a ambulance in my home county of Gloucester… That exact same night my wife and I saw that foolish kid skateboarding in the middle of Main Street wearing all black in a section where the street lights were not there.

I told her when we saw that… That kid is going to get hit… He did later that night. Ambulance was on a call driving 43 mph in a 25 mph zone. It was decided that the ambulance driver was not at fault.

And rightfully so in my strong opinion.
At my work if a pedestrian is hit by a fork lift its both parties fault (the driver and the pedestrian) I would think a lot of times on the road it would be the same. (however the world will never treat it that way)

I hit a deer once, but honestly I would say it hit me.

Finally to answer your question I would say you did the best you could given the circumstances and you did ok. Keep up the safe driving!
appeal to your local government/city to have sidewalks installed. would be a thought ,,or a white painted walk lane would may help
I’m not seeing what you did wrong. Sidewalks would be nice as well as them wearing more visible clothes.

If all they saw were headlights, maybe you appeared closer than what you were. I wouldn’t bring it up to them anymore.. they sound (or could be) nuts.
I walk most nights this time of year and it's dark. I wear a neon yellow and reflective vest along with a reflective hat. Both items cost a total of about $30.00. I see so many people out walking their dogs wearing dark clothing that it boggles my mind. Many people also tend to walk on the wrong side of the street (with traffic). When you say they got mad, did they toss you the bird or literally approach you to express their displeasure? Either way, doesn't matter, it's on them, not you.
That's why I drive with high beams on, even when they're technically not necessary (meaning not using them in the absence of other traffic)-we have insane locals who think it's smart to walk in the street when we have perfectly good sidewalks on both sides! Got to watch out for the crazy people!
Lost count of the number of times I've responded to car vs. pedestrian calls at night. Almost every time the ped is wearing dark clothing, not using sidewalks, walking the wrong way, or actually in the road. When the driver says they didn't see the person, I tend to believe them unless there is evidence of improper driving. Our insurance will actually contest worker comp. claims if we get hit and are not wearing our issued reflective vest. Anytime of day or night.

Keep close watch for your idiot neighbors from now on. I doubt they will take any action, other than to blame you, for their own safety or survival. Darwin at it's finest.
Doesn't look like you did anything wrong. Video would show it better. They should be wearing hi-viz if on street. I've found anyone that is startled will typically knee-jerk to blame.