Neighborhood feud

Every lot has a 15ft easement. The road all of us use is actully on the dumb guys side. He has never said anything about it.

The only way to actully get on his property would be to go way off the road. In theory the road should be 1/2 on each lot lots easement but its not
Been the same place for 60+ years.

The new guy wants to fence the lot which would benefit me.
Hopefully the dumb guy doesn’t look into this easement and shut it down for everyone else. That would be my main concern.

How long as the dumb guy been there? Have you ever had any issues with him?
It happens. I have a neighbor that complained after I installed a pad beside our 3 car garage. I put the cement pad there to park my Lund Tyee boat infrequently in the summer. The person made us move a nice wooden privacy fence over about 6 inches because it was a little bit on their property. Cost $1,700 to have the fence moved over for about 75 yards but only 6 inches. I still use the pad to park my Civic and can back any of the other cars out of the garage without hitting anything. Neighbors can be a little sketchy at times and best to ignore them completely.