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Jul 7, 2008
First, I used the "cup" filter wrench and it would not come off, then it started slipping....

Then I used PLIERS... and still no go, now the oil filter has been deformed...

What do I do next?

Should I use the CUP wrench again but fill it with some kind of glue? That's all I can think of now...

I'm afraid to start the car because I F'd up the filter and it could be problematic...
Some people drive a screwdriver through the filter and turn using the handle of the screwdriver.
Its very cold out and metal contracts in the cold. If you have a blowtorch i'd try to heat up the top of the filter, let the metal threads heat up a bit and expand, and see if it will unscrew then.

You may just have to take it to a local autoshop and let them deal with it. Too; if anything breaks, its on there dime.
I've had success w/ the belt-type ones, it looks like a seat belt, the more you turn it, the tighter it gets. can get into tight spots better than if you don't have the room to put a screwdriver through it. guys.....listen...the filter is not "stuck" on the is "stuck" on the gasket.....when overtightened they seal really well and you cannot get them off....break that seal and they spin right off...I use a carpet knife and go around the gasket and you'll hear it let loose....
let me try the glue idea ....

can you recommend a glue for sticking together two pieces of metal?? i need something realllllllllllly strong...... becuase i'm gonna torque one piece in the hopes taht the other piece will turn too..... if it slips then it's no good..... anything like that?
Keep in the mind that I have to get UNDER the car to access the oil filter so it's not going to be very very easy to do the screwdriver thing.......

In fact the space is so limited I doubt i can muster enough force to stab it in and it has to be done at an angle too, i'm not sure this method is feasible
They make these big oil filter pliers. Bought some at AZ couple years ago, works great, but I don't overtighten my filter. Once had to use a vise grip chain tool to get a filter off.
The carpet knife to cut the gasket idea is good, but a lot of times there isn't a lot of space around the filter mounting plate. Your best bet is to use a strap wrench, they make different types and you might need a high quality one to get off a really stubborn filter. The make a type that you use an extension and a ratchet to turn, and this might do the trick.
The angle is what you need to overcome then. Before you do the screwdriver procedure, look at putting it up on a jack and/or removing a wheel to give you the leverage needed. Real large oversized jaw pliers from a parts store or local service station should do it.
Originally Posted By: GrampsintheSand guys.....listen...the filter is not "stuck" on the is "stuck" on the gasket.....when overtightened they seal really well and you cannot get them off....break that seal and they spin right off...I use a carpet knife and go around the gasket and you'll hear it let loose....

This might be your only option, I have never heard of a cup type oil filter wrench slipping. I normally use a breaker bar on this cup wrench if the oil filter was tight.

Since space is limited then the screwdriver trick may not work.
Originally Posted By: GrampsintheSand guys.....listen...the filter is not "stuck" on the is "stuck" on the gasket.....when overtightened they seal really well and you cannot get them off....break that seal and they spin right off...I use a carpet knife and go around the gasket and you'll hear it let loose....

That sounds like a great idea. Sounds like you may have a lot experience.
I never had a filter resist my 16'' Channellocks. But then I may be too much of a wimp to over tighten them by hand. I never had one leak. The heat sounds like a good job too.

If all else fails, apply a chisel to the base plate in the direction it needs to turn.
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