My $14 Honda Branded S2000 filter tore in Winter use up there in the northeast. It's E10 and winter - and uneven pleats with "paper" media. And that car was getting a good 40 minutes energetic drive one-way, 5 or 6 days a week.
Why I CONSTANTLY say filters have become too small.


What does this have to do with my filter I cut and posted??
You said it was a "piece of filth" and "MADE IN CHINA quality"**

That came across kind of harsh.

I guess what I am pointing out it is that these tears happen to the best of them with today's fuels and oil formulations on proper running modern engines during a normal service interval.

So what do you think is really going on here?
** I too try to avoid "made in China" stuff for various reasons, I am not knocking that attitude.

Thanks, Arco
You said it was a "piece of filth" and "MADE IN CHINA quality"**

That came across kind of harsh.

I guess what I am pointing out it is that these tears happen to the best of them with today's fuels and oil formulations on proper running modern engines during a normal service interval.

So what do you think is really going on here?
** I too try to avoid "made in China" stuff for various reasons, I am not knocking that attitude.

Thanks, Arco
That was juicy.. Thanks for the CP (y)(y):cry:
You said it was a "piece of filth" and "MADE IN CHINA quality"**

That came across kind of harsh.

I guess what I am pointing out it is that these tears happen to the best of them with today's fuels and oil formulations on proper running modern engines during a normal service interval.

So what do you think is really going on here?
** I too try to avoid "made in China" stuff for various reasons, I am not knocking that attitude.

Thanks, Arco


I’d prefer to stay on topic filter at hand. Not derail or sidetrack a post.

That’s just my opinion.