My tooth might be fixed?

Jul 10, 2022
Been dealing with an annoying rough edge on my right front tooth. Last visit dentist tried to polish it and she didn't charge me, but it was still rough.

I mean I drag my fingernail against it left to right, and it scrapes the nail, shaves it.

I have looked at it with a mirror and can see virtually nothing, yet I would touch it all the time with my tongue. Tongue would eventually be sore.

I'm skeptical because for some reason I think of teeth like car bodies, working on them can make them even worse than before.

She ground away some of the tooth and it has been filled before, and put new filling material.

I truly think the rough sharp edge is gone. My tongue is now investigating other parts of the tooth looking for roughness--it seems to have a mind of its own!

Sometimes, you don't need to be rich to find things that make you happy. You just need a dental plan with 100% coverage for fillings! (while she was in there filled a fractured molar, why not, don't need to worry about cost) :ROFLMAO:
I have a very sharp spot on my front tooth you can't see but I know it's there just like you said. It happened with the tubes used in heart surgery. I need to get it smoothed out.
Been dealing with an annoying rough edge on my right front tooth. Last visit dentist tried to polish it and she didn't charge me, but it was still rough.

I mean I drag my fingernail against it left to right, and it scrapes the nail, shaves it.

I have looked at it with a mirror and can see virtually nothing, yet I would touch it all the time with my tongue. Tongue would eventually be sore.

I'm skeptical because for some reason I think of teeth like car bodies, working on them can make them even worse than before.

She ground away some of the tooth and it has been filled before, and put new filling material.

I truly think the rough sharp edge is gone. My tongue is now investigating other parts of the tooth looking for roughness--it seems to have a mind of its own!

Sometimes, you don't need to be rich to find things that make you happy. You just need a dental plan with 100% coverage for fillings! (while she was in there filled a fractured molar, why not, don't need to worry about cost) :ROFLMAO:
Glad it worked out for you in the end. I know a guy that chipped his tooth once so he glued it back in himself. I think he used crazy glue which is appropriate because I think he’s a little crazy myself.
Glad it worked out for you in the end. I know a guy that chipped his tooth once so he glued it back in himself. I think he used crazy glue which is appropriate because I think he’s a little crazy myself.
I had braces into my college years. It was not a good thing other than I asked out a pretty hygienist and managed to get one date. I got stood up on the 2nd one, and no cell phones back then and I was crushed!

But you made me think of how my college buddies said I needed to lose the braces and they'd help me to remove them with pliers....
I'm not saying you should do it, but if you're a DIY'er, the smooth side of an emery board lubed with some toothpaste is an option...
A good dentist is wonderful for those who need it! My dentist has been able to save all my teeth using all the tricks he has. Which with my autoimmune problems is a flat out miracle.

I did choose crowns 3 shades lighter than my teeth, so when my mouth is full of them, I don't have yellow ones :)