My Cat – he has a cold

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Anybody who doesn't like people who hurt innocent animals is not "touchy"; he/she's perfectly normal. I don't think it's normal of any human to hurt animals without any reason;
...and the variety of reasons, when there are any, is pretty limited, IMO.

Gute Besserung for the cat, btw!

I had a cat like Winston, when I was a kid. He'll be OK.

I hope he finds a comfortable spot, on a nice sunny day, on top of the famous "Pablo's Rock"!
Feel I must apologise for my total laziness
, had I taken the time to preview above post and add a couple of smilies, you would have realized I was joking.

With apologies,

Fine, apology accepted. At least I won't have to run over your dog or smash your hamster with a mallet.
Let me tell you about a story about cats' 9 lives.

A few years ago there was a small scale construction going on that used mortar. The water needed was kept in a barrel that was covered with a piece of plywood.

One morning we discovered a small kitten in the barrel. Apparently, it had fallen in the barrel at night, and drowned because it couldn't get out. An elderly man advised us to place the kitten in the sun - he said it will revive.

None of us believed him but since we had nothing to lose, we did as he said. By about 10 am there was water coming out of the kitten's mouth and nostrils although it was still stiff and showed no life signs. By midday the water stopped coming out of it and it looked like it was breathing. Slowly, the kitten came back to life and by the end of the day he just left.

I have never seen anything like that since and it still amazes me.
We tried that trick with grandpa.

After a couple days he started stinking and hadn't moved an inch so grandma made us haul him off.
This sounds like what my 7-month-old Siberian kitten has. Had, I should say, since the vet recommended Amoxicil (sp?) antibiotic. Yes, the eye-dropper routine 2x a day for 10 days, and Tatiana is not fond of the taste, but she gets a treat right after, so it's working.

She didn't seem sickly before, just sort of restrained. Now that the medicine is taking hold, she's revving to redline. (I'd forgotten just how energetic kittens are. . . .)
Obbop, that's one of the funniest posts I've read in a long time. Thanks.

My cat got a cold a couple years ago. We had to give him antibiotic pills. That was REAL fun. The vet had me grab his head using my one hand to grasp his ears and snout, then tilt his head all the way back. I'd then grab the pill with the other hand and use my forefinger to pry his mouth open and drop the pill right down the hatch. The idea was to get it far enough in that he couldn't spit it back out. The cat tolerated it surprisingly well, but he's a rather mild mannered cat anyway.

Oh, also, amoxicillin, mentioned above, is the same thing my kid is currently taking for an ear infection. It's funny they give it to our furry friends, too.

I know you were joking, but you need to realize that some comments are simply not appropriate... ever.

I have a cat that my redneck dolt of a neighbor shot in the face. Two surgeries and $1200 later, the cat now has only half of a lower jaw and will be eating canned food for the rest of his life.

My point being...

never assume you're funny.
On a serious note ,it sounds like your cat has distemper,and may need a shot from vet,also and probably some anti-biotic,also keep the habitat clean,,I have been a multi-cat owner for many years,they are very wonderful pets,but takes a special person to understand them,keep the water dish full and clean also.BL
Distemper? Huh? No distemper. He's had all his shots, and his habitat is clean (indoor cat only).

He was diagnosed with an ear infection. (no mites) He gets ear drops twice a day.

. . .
Oh, also, amoxicillin, mentioned above, is the same thing my kid is currently taking for an ear infection. It's funny they give it to our furry friends, too.

Ha. I wondered why the bottle said "Pediatric" instead of "Feline."

I guess there's no reason why the same stuff shouldn't work on humans and cats, or some of it, anyway; we've a lot of the same chemistry. When my late Maine Coon developed diabetes, I bought his insulin right at the Walgreens' pharmacy as though it were for me.
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