Mouse Droppings in Blackstone Griddle

Sep 18, 2002
All of a sudden in the last few months I am finding mouse droppings on my Blackstone griddle. About 10-15 per episode. I heat it up, pour on the vinegar and then follow with a water steam bath. I always clean my griddle after every use. I heat it up and use water and a rag to clean it. I then use the Blackstone Griddle grease to get it ready for the next cook.

Do you have any suggestions? I thought about trying to seal the grease trap opening ?? Maybe put a glue trap right there where they will have to cross it to get in? I keep the lid and cover on when not in use.
Skip all that. Just get yourself a ball-bearing mouse trap.

Subscribed. I recently started having the same issue with my outdoor grill and snap style traps on the ground have stopped working; although they did work for a while.
I put one of those sticky traps on the griddle right in front of the grease drain opening and a peanut buttered snap trap on the bottom tray.