How can I find out if there is a Motorcraft oil filter that is compatible with an '04 Imapala? I'm not finding much on Google, so maybe there isn't one.
I am trying to compile a list of filter models that are compatible with my car so if I happen to find a filter on clearance I can see if it will fit my car. I saw a ton of Motorcraft filters on clearance the other day, but there was no way for me to cross it.
To better answer your question: find all the Motorcraft part numbers and compare their wix equivalent to your OEM wix equivalent at You'll be looking at gasket size and thread.
It might be faster if you went to the store and 'eyeballed' them to see which ones are close in order to narrow your search.
For example, look up the Fram PH-16 and the Motorcraft FL-1A - these filters are very different in size, however their gasket O.D., I.D., and thickness as well as thread size are equal. Gasket dimensions don't have to be *exact*, but very close is better.
Originally Posted By: greenaccord02
To better answer your question: find all the Motorcraft part numbers and compare their wix equivalent to your OEM wix equivalent at You'll be looking at gasket size and thread.
Thanks for the hint. I got my Wix number from the Wix website and used it to cross on a Motorcraft list, and it turned out to be an FL321. That's an easy one to remember!