Mothballs in filter box?

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May 17, 2009
N.H, U.S.A.
I hear this is good to keep the rodent out of the airbox and the naphtha can help the engine run well(?) Could the mothballs ruin a MAF? Any experience here?
I have done this to many of "my customer's" cars that aren't driven much. I put them in the engine compartment away from super hot things like exhaust obviously.

No ill-effects to MAF here. I have put them on the dirty side of the air filter, so they don't get sucked up.
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Mothballs are generally a chlorinated aromatic and/or naphthlene. They sublime (go from a solid to a vapor). Rodents rend to hate these and they make an effective way of keeping rabbits away from garden plants.
Originally Posted By: ARCOgraphite
I may go for it , as long as my car doesnt start smelling like grandma's attic!

I like the smell.
What ever you do, don't smell the moth balls.
They don't enjoy having their leg spread apart!!!!!!!!!!!! lol.

Just had to throw that in.
I'll go have my coffee now.
Originally Posted By: hardcore302
There are more rats than people in NYC.

Whats the difference?

Mothballs are a great rodent deterrent under the hood, and even on the ground in your favorite parking spot.
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