More extreme apehangers....

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Originally Posted By: boraticus
When Harelys are a dime a dozen, as they are now, I don't see much substance to his claim. Anyone with a few grand laying around could have a Harely. So what?

I can't see myself owning or riding any machine that's a semi religious idol for such a bizarre following. Don't want to be even vaguely affiliated with that scene.

I'd be willing to bet that if Harley Davidsons were built exactly as they are now but called "Hoki Dukisan", present Harley riders wouldn't be riding them and would be bad mouthing that brand too.

"Harely?" Is that one of the faster Harleys? They're a little more than a dime a dozen around my part of the world.

What is actually bizarre is the response to a particular brand by the annoying song of the "Long-Tailed Yellow-Bellied Brand Basher." Envy is an ugly thing!

The essence of motorcycling has little or nothing to do with brands or country of origin.
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