More Al Qaeda murders - 16 schoolchildren + 52 others

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Feb 21, 2003
Houston, Tex
When the U.S. kills children you can hardly find it anywhere in the news, but when Al Qaeda does it, it is a front page headline.

Must be that "liberal bias".
Yeah, Janet Reno's attack on Waco made the front pages.

Fun that they're whacking on the Saudis now that Al Quaida isn't getting as much protection money.
Attacks in the U.S. are difficult to conceal, especially when a liberal Attorney General can be blamed(more "liberal media bias"). How many front page reports have you seen of foreign child victims?
A couple months ago, a lot of people on this very board were quite happy and proud that Iraq was being used as bait, drawing fighters from surrounding areas. That way, the terrorists would be fighting a proper army,on foreign ground.

Looks like the big fish has now been hooked.

I just hope you guys can reel him in.

Originally posted by JohnnyO:
Yeah, Janet Reno's attack on Waco made the front pages.

It made front page down here, and the evening news. But it was still reported as a bunch of religious whackos that topped themselves.

Fortunately, there are other media streams than those controlled by governments, so eventually truths get out.
Hmm I wonder why Al-Qaeda was blamed? I would have suspected Baathist thugs from Syria first. They were Sadam's kind.

There are going to be ongoing efforts to keep this bee nest swarming.

Originally posted by TooManyWheels:
When the U.S. kills children you can hardly find it anywhere in the news, but when Al Qaeda does it, it is a front page headline.

Must be that "liberal bias".

Sir, correct me if I'm wrong......are you comparing the US military to Al-Qaida??

Shame on you, Sir....Shame-on-you!!

Originally posted by TooManyWheels:
When the U.S. kills children you can hardly find it anywhere in the news, but when Al Qaeda does it, it is a front page headline.

Must be that "liberal bias".

I believe you may have lost a couple of wheels
I have more faith in my country then some. I don't think the American military deliberately kills any children (unless a child is a suicide bomber or something like that). The terrorists in Iraq that we face have no human morality and will kill anybody, including children. It means nothing to them.

I wonder about people who try to compare the killing of Hamas leaders who have vowed to destroy Israel, with suicide bombers who are willing to walk onto a bus and murder innocent people on the bus. There is a complete difference between Hamas leaders being killed and suicide bombers blowing themselves up in restaurants, cafes, and buses. Anybody capable of logical reasoning should be able to see the difference. The Hamas leaders are not innocent-they have shown to destroy the nation of Israel. The people blown up on the bus are just innocent people not trying to kill anybody.

But it takes a twisted sort of logic to side with these evil people who murder human being throughout the world-who murdered 3000 Americans on 9-11-01. It seems pretty black and white to me. But some people twist logic and justify in any way they can the murderers.

I will make my stand right here. I support my country, the United States of America, in it's fight against terrorism. By the time this thing is over I think it will be obvious to all but the naive and the supporters of terrorism that we were right to fight against terrorism and evil.
Our Islamic terrorist friends are still out there:

Al Qaeda kills 16 schoolchildren + 52 others

Now they are killing the Iraqi children. Truth be told, they will kill anyone that doesn't agree with them, and if children get in the way, they are killed. Hopefully we keep up and increase the pressure between now and the US elections in November. You know the US homeland is a prime target in the days before the election.

Mystic - the thing you clearly overlook, is that this conflict has a history from long before 911. If you assume that 911 was the first event related to the Arab Israeli struggle, then you would might be somewhere near correct in blaming it all on the terrorists, saying they were animals, etc.

But this conflict goes back, what, forty, fifty, sixty years? Have you made any attempt to research the history on this and compare the relative rights and wrongs visited by both sides? Or do you just follow the administration's PR like a blind, innocent, vacuous sheep, thinking the first strike was on 911 by people who "hate us for our freedom"?
Mystic - I will be very up front, I don't hold them to the same standards. The Palestinians at first were fighting to improve a horrible way of life, and now increasingly, seem to literally be fighting for their survival as a people, to not be victims of systematic, deliberate, genocide.

The American soldiers, by comparison, don't even have "a dog in the fight", they are just following orders. They, most of them young and relatively naive, signed up for the noble purpose of defending their country, and ended up being the pawns of someone intent on restructuring the world according to his personal visions.
If you take a look at that peace agreement I believe you will find it didn't give the Palestinians anything of substance.

[ April 22, 2004, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: TooManyWheels ]
Bottom line, Arafat and the Palestinians want Israel either destroyed or the Jews driven out of the Middle East. The peace agreement would have established a state of Palestine.

Bottom line, we have to have some sort of moral code in this world for human society to continue to exist. The silly everything is relative nonsense, taken to its logical end, is worthless. And don't tell me that the Palestinians have a different culture and live by different moral codes and all of that. I have a minor in Anthropology. A moral code is established for Moslems in the Quran. Moslems blowing innocent people up in buses, cafes, restaurants are not following that moral code.

So then you say that the Palestinians are desperate and filled with despair and that justifies their actions? They are still violating Islam. And when you lower your standards to the point where children are being tricked into carrying out suicide attacks, you destroy your own moral integrity-you destroy yourself as a human being.

Smart thing for the Palestinians to do would be to get rid of Arafat and get a peace agreement establishing a Palestinian state. If there were any Palestinian leaders worth a pound of salt that is what they would be doing.
I am pretty old, and I think I know quite a bit about the history of Israel. And judging from what some people have said in posts and replies to posts here, I think I know quite a bit more about history then some people here.

Did you know that the United States did not support the creation of the state of Israel? Russia was an early Israel supporter-they thought that Israel would become a Socialist state in the Middle East. Did you know that there were Israelis who engaged in terrorism before Israel came into existence?

I am not the final judge of human actions-God is. But to me blowing up innocent people on a bus or in a cafe or restaurant is cold blooded murder. And I have a moral code. I do not believe in the current everything is relative nonsense. I do not believe murder is okay in this situation because we are doing it but not okay in this situation because the enemy is doing it.

I bet if some sort of terrible thing happened involving American soldiers in Iraq many people here who defend Palestinians blowing up people in buses would be the first to scream bloody murder. If American soldiers did something evil it would suddenly become a different story.

So then you say that the Palestinians are desperate and filled with despair and that justifies their actions?

Not in my mind. Again, I want them to peacefully set themselves on fire ..or just call a press meeting a THEN blow themselves up in "self" sacrifice. This would have you singing a different tune. Homicide bombers now have you painting the entire conflict with the modality of how its being coped with.

There are over 4.5 million displaced Palestinians in refugee camps many of them are engaged in armed assault and/or suicide bombings??? Very few...yet you paint the entire population as some pathetic miserable terroristic organisation simply because a few groups use this form of terrorism. Have you ever really thought of what type of existance would cause a person to engage, as horrible as we view it, in such an activity??


They are still violating Islam.

Absolutely! Ever heard of a "carnal" believer praying to God before facing a life threatening situation? Ever sin? How many "Christians" sin daily? Every one of them last I counted. You assume that being called a Muslim means that you are some "idealistic" Muslim. They fall into the same corrupt maladaptive humans that we all do. The disadvantage that they have is that most are on the short end of a very harsh stick and have nothing BUT some their spirituality to fall back on. That spirituality is as corrupt and flawed as the humans that administer it. You've gotta keep in mind that we haven't had a psuedo "theocracy" for over 200 years. If you want to see a contemporary "western" religous war need look no further than northern Ireland. There they blow up inoccent people too ..yet I don't see anyone having trouble drinking many of the fine brews at the local pub ...nor anyone wishing that someone would stamp out the useless eaters.


you destroy yourself as a human being.

Agreed. I would point out ..that to these individuals ..the life that they have is a 'sub human" existance. They have "nothing to lose" in their minds. There you are told when you can travel to work (60% of the Pals income is earned in Israel) ..when you can't go to work. What roads you can travel on ..when you can travel on them. You can have your neighborhood bulldozed or shot up with missiles. You can be told to not leave your house and have tanks patrolling your streets. Armed soldiers can kick down your door and take you away and hold you indefinitely. Young men can be rounded up and strip searched and can be "detained". These are people who are trying to feed their families ...eek out a living and live a life ...and 99% probably don't own a gun.


Smart thing for the Palestinians to do would be to get rid of Arafat

Agreed! He's been the Israelis best friend. With a shepherd like him ..the flock was far easier to take advantage of. He's a clown and a loser. 30 years under his leadership has done nothing for the life of Palestinians.


If there were any Palestinian leaders worth a pound of salt that is what they would be doing.

No one will "let" any sincere and proper leadership have any authority in Palestine. There are too many cooks to spoil the broth, so to speak. They can't possibly police themselves with all the outside interference from so many other Arab nations (some faction in SA is surely stoking this fire). Look at the trouble we're having in Iraq ..and that isn't even over a spiritual divide. We want Iraqis to govern themselves and no one will let it happen. The Baathist are involved (Syria) ..the Shiites are involved (Iran) ..Al-Qaeda is involved (SA ..and everywhere else). How do you think that some pathetic chaotic "authority" has "any authority" in this mess???

To many Palestinians's like living in an American ghetto ..except the cops aren't there to protect you. You're stuck in a bad neighborhood ..the local thugs will kill you just as fast as they would kill the cops ..and neither care if you're in the line of fire.

Again ..stick 4.5 million humans in a cage for several generations (born into this mess) ..and what do you expect, shining examples of "humanity"?

Keep in mind that I fully support the right of Israel to exist. I do NOT support Israel's policies and actions with a blank check (although my tax $$$ do). They've done nothing but add more fuel to this fire and continue to do so. For this to EVER end will have to be from the Israeli side. They will have to be commited to peace at any cost and tolerate the "violations" that are designed to disrupt that peace.
Can you hold the Palestinians and al Qaeda to at least the same standards of behavior that you expect American soldiers to meet? Simple question-yes or no?
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