Mobil synergy only in 93 octane?

Aug 8, 2005
stamford, CT
  • Fuel detergents 1, 2 and 3 – provide outstanding cleanliness in port fuel injection engines, and now in gasoline direct injection engines. Cleaner engine parts can lead to better gas mileage, engine protection and engine performance. Our detergent keeps your engine 3X cleaner for better gas mileage.‡ (Benefit available only in Synergy Supreme+™ premium gasoline)
I copied n pasted this . At bottom,in parenthesis, benefit only in supreme plus....that's 93 octane . Is synergy,these 3 times detergent in 87 and 89 as well?
On Philips website,all Thier fuels are 3.5 times. Shells v power nitro is 5 times...
Most likely they mean the higher concentration in premium gives you the 3x cleaner benefit. It's likely the same additive, but just much more of it in Supreme.

Exxon Mobil is Top Tier in all grades, but they're pointing out to you what the premium can do.

Many believe the Synergy Supreme+ is close to V Power because they co-own Infineum who makes the additives.