Might buy a 2006 Toyota Avalon

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If my only two choices are a clapped-out sub-5K car and a vastly overpriced new car, I guess I'll have to stay with the Buick.
Originally Posted By: hattaresguy
A new vehicle is only a poor investment if your going to trade it in, in 2-3 years. If your the kind of person who keeps their vehicles at least 10 years if not longer, than your better off buying new.

That way its not pre screwed up! Also over the lifetime of the vehicle your not saving much buying used.

This is our way. My last new car is in my sig, purchased August 05 brand new and still worth about 20k after 8+ years.

We do also buy used, but we ALWAYS sell our cars and buy separately. This stealership is simply gaming the poor OP!
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