Make your own marzipan

Oct 31, 2017
I'm not suggesting anyone should subsist on marzipan. I was asked by the extended family for some baked goods for the family dinner and some of the recipes require marzipan. Marzipan is quite pricey and making your own is hardly a bother. You can also reduce or increase the sugar content to taste. My recipe is for medium-sweet marzipan, less sweet than commercially sold marzipan. It's firm but can be rolled out if you need a thin layer of marzipan.

6 oz almond flour
2.5 oz powdered sugar
3 teaspoons water or rum
1 teaspoon rosewater - don't omit this. You can find a bottle on
a few drops of bitter almond flavor or substitute amaretto liqueur for the water/rum*
a pinch salt

*amaretto is the best substitute for synthetic bitter almond flavoring

Mix everything into a smooth but firm dough. Shape it into a brick for cool storage.

You could make simple treats for your sugar-addicted family members by making a 34-inch diameter marzipan ball., Then push a hazelnut or macadamia into the center of the ball. Smoothen the ball and roll it in cacao powder or ground nuts or something. People seem to like those marzipan balls. You could also dip the marzipan balls into melted chocolate and let them cool on a rack. You could even dip the balls into dark chocolate, let them cool, and then dip them into white chocolate. You can get supper-fancy and make a giant layered marzipan ball that you serve up with 50 units of insulin. I will be adding little bits of marzipan to a Christmas cake or rather to two of them.

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I have a 1 oz bottle of Almond flavor concentrate I've been trying to use on something. This looks great!
I'm not suggesting anyone should subsist on marzipan. I was asked by the extended family for some baked goods for the family dinner and some of the recipes require marzipan. Marzipan is quite pricey and making your own is hardly a bother. You can also reduce or increase the sugar content to taste. My recipe is for medium-sweet marzipan, less sweet than commercially sold marzipan. It's firm but can be rolled out if you need a thin layer of marzipan.

6 oz almond flour
2.5 oz powdered sugar
3 teaspoons water or rum
1 teaspoon rosewater - don't omit this. You can find a bottle on
a few drops of bitter almond flavor or substitute amaretto liqueur for the water/rum*
a pinch salt

*amaretto is the best substitute for synthetic bitter almond flavoring

Mix everything into a smooth but firm dough. Shape it into a brick for cool storage.

You could make simple treats for your sugar-addicted family members by making a 34-inch diameter marzipan ball., Then push a hazelnut or macadamia into the center of the ball. Smoothen the ball and roll it in cacao powder or ground nuts or something. People seem to like those marzipan balls. You could also dip the marzipan balls into melted chocolate and let them cool on a rack. You could even dip the balls into dark chocolate, let them cool, and then dip them into white chocolate. You can get supper-fancy and make a giant layered marzipan ball that you serve up with 50 units of insulin. I will be adding little bits of marzipan to a Christmas cake or rather to two of them.

I could eat that whole loaf... I grew up eating it a lot...Loved the ones that were shaped like fruit....
Drunken marzipan balls, mostly for my aunts and other folks who require something stronger than milk chocolate to make it through Christmas Eve.

The marzipan is spiked with rum, amaretto, whiskey, Scotch, or bourbon. All my marzipan balls have a nut inside, either a hazelnut or a macadamia. The ball is then rolled in ground nuts or in cacao or dipped in chocolate. Here are three varieties. The greenish ones have pistachio dusting, the light brown ones are cacao, and the dark brown ones are chocolate with ground walnuts. They all taste different. Most of these have rum because I made the marzipan with amaretto. The chocolate-coated balls have Whiskey in them. I made a total of three dozen marzipan balls which I will take to my parents' house shortly. Once there I will make another two dozen coated with white chocolate. Maybe I'll do some coated first in dark and then it white chocolate. Maybe I should make a 5-inch marzipan ball!

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Nice! I made a Battenberg cake several years ago and used a similar marzipan recipe, but I believe it had an egg white added as a binder.

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I definitely need to try to make some.

We were doing taste testing today. Danish vs the standard.
