kerry to ban trucks and suvs rasing gas tax by .50

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Jan 3, 2003
moutain country
If John Kerry wins the presidency, most of us will be driving Chevettes - or the modern-day equivalent, at any rate. The Massachusetts senator has proposed jacking up federal fuel economy requirements for new cars to as much as 36 miles per gallon as part of his plan to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil. The problem is that only subcompact economy cars are capable of achieving nearly 40 mpg. If the government put such a requirement into place, if would in effect be outlawing mid-size and larger passenger cars - and all SUVs and pickup trucks. There is not a single 2004 model year pickup or SUV that comes close to achieving 36 mpg. Mid-size family cars like the Honda Accord and Toyota Camry don't make the cut, either, even in four-cylinder form. Equipped with V-6 engines, they're not even in the ballpark. Better get your V-8, before it's too late...on the news today and this article from car connection news
I believe your info is incorrect.

Every Year the Congress sets the standards for MPG that the Auto Manf. have to follow, and it's posted in the newspaper, usually hidden on a back page somewhere. The Auto Manf. hands are tied...

The technology has existed for a long time to achieve better fuel economy but the Gov't keeps it in check cuase they have too many oil lobbyists putting money in their pockets.

In the late 1970's a Cadillac got out of the factory with an "experimental fuel system" being tested. The owner thought the gas gauge was broken and took it back to the dealer. The Cadillac was getting close to 60mpg. How do I know this? I lived in Torrington, CT at the time and there was a big article in the newspaper about it...GM ended up buying the car back from the guy and springing for a "vacation" to Hawaii for his family, and he got a brand new fully-loaded Sedan de ville too.
And they used to have articles all the time in the 70s about the "100mpg carburator". Honestly if there was some technology back in the 70s that gave a car 60mpg, why would car companies spend millions of dollars developing hybrid cars to get there? Much less the time and money spent on FI to get a few MPG back in the 80s?

It may force affordable light duty diesels into the market. Some of us here have been eager to see light duty trucks (1/2 tons, 1/2 ton based SUVs, and compact trucks) with fuel sipping diesels. I know for a fact that can be done. GM had the 6.2L diesel in the 1/2 tons - 1 tons, subs and blazers. Those trucks easily got 20-25 mpg [I had (2) 3/4 ton 4x4s that did] and with a turbo would do even better.

Imagine if Dodge put the little brother 4cyl (3.9L ISB) Cummins in the 1/2 ton line. With it tweaked, it will easily reach 180-200 HP and well over 400 ft-lbs of torque. Thats more than enough power for a 1/2ton. It would get the mileage of a Honda with the power of a truck.

Look at Toyota and Nissan. These guys have small diesel trucks all over the world. Except here. I would give a kidney for one of those trucks!

I've always wondered why the manufactures here haven't used this angle to increase their overall fuel economy ratings. The technology is there, market is there, and pressure from the government is there. What gives?
What do facts have to do with it when your goal is to spread inaccuracies in order to further one's political goals?

While we're at it, why don't we just say that Kerry is going to put a $3/gallon tax on water, too.

Originally posted by boxcartommie22:
Better get your V-8, before it's too late...on the news today and this article from car connection news

Regardless of who wins the election, count on gas prices going up. I for one would prefer a big tax to regulations. That way people could sort out their needs and wants. I think it would be stupid to make sure you have an unneeded guzzler as gas prices inevitably rise.

The post on light diesels makes a lot more sense. Why not?
Have to say it's political. I got a Email from the Bush/Cheney Campaign. I'm on the mailing list FWIW. That was this weeks rant on JFK. Have not heard it anywhere else but I don't put anything past the Dem's when it comes to raising our Taxes.
Well if true and I was a Union Auto Worker I would change my voter registration to Republican as quick as I could. If it wasn't for all the SUV's and Pickup trucks being built in the U.S. the big three would be in big trouble. Those vehicles are the largest profit centers they have.
this article is not my opinion its from the car connection news which was verified on the news today...then later on during the day kerry as usual flip flopped ans said the opisite

Well if true and I was a Union Auto Worker I would change my voter registration to Republican as quick as I could. If it wasn't for all the SUV's and Pickup trucks being built in the U.S. the big three would be in big trouble. Those vehicles are the largest profit centers they have.

and ? I have no problem with that. The big three don't know how to build small cars. the rest of the world does, so that either makes american designers and manufacters stupid or greedy. BTW, who builds the Tundra and Titan? Americans do. I don't believe all the big three SUVs and trucks are built entirely in the US.
The SUVs and trucks need to achieve better fuel economy, either do it with new diesel engines or take them off the market. I personally care less about the gas prices , i am happy with my Tdi especially when I pass the SUVs .

[ March 30, 2004, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: sciroccoGTX16V ]
And both parties are aware of that... which is why Kerry isn't going to completely screw that segment of the economy, and it's exactly why the GOP is trying to start rumors like this.
Don't worry, gas guzzing limosines will be exempt so the limosine liberals such as Kerry won't be affected

Originally posted by rjundi:
You left the word OPINION out of your post which is a paste. Its an opinion article and you need to state that. It is obviously strongly opinionated as there are little facts called upon.

Imagine that, a Detroit publication railing against Detroit industry being forced to improve the product line.
No different in the 70's when Detroit said meeting the new Federal pollution proposals just could not happen economically. Then Honda produced the CVCC engine that beat the new polutant standards without a catalytic converter. No muss, no fuss, they just did it.
Then Detroit followed.
I imagine the same sort of transition of increased MPG will happen in the next decade.
They just have to cry about it for a few more years first !!
Just like having kids.
36mpg is not out of reach, especially with the cost and quality of the new hybrids. Look at the new Toyota Prius - 55mpg. Diesels, once the new low sulphur fuels are available, also make a whole lot of sense.

The trick is to raise fuel economy without sacrificing safety. I won't be driving a 3 cylinder flyweight death trap, thank you very much.

Our friends in Congress have been stalling and ignoring energy policy. JF Kerry was and is a part of the problem.

The right way to present this issue is to sell it as a national security concern, which it most definitely is. The less we depend on our enemies in Saudi Arabia, the better off we will be. 50 years from now their money will be gone and they will again be enjoying the pleasures of transport by camel.

Nuclear power plants, drill and pump the oil sitting under our own lands, improve efficiencies. We don't seem to be able to get away from the starting gate with any of these issues.

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