Is this a legit email or malware?

I sent out a fake phishing email to everybody in my company and out of 70 employees, I think 4 or 6 employees clicked on my fake phishing test link. I've heard stories where people actually fell for a fake email and went out to buy gift cards because of whatever "your account is about to be suspended" email they got. Knowledge is the key here so folks that are more informed and trained about the basics of what to look out for tend to be better off.
Yes, many companies have started doing this by testing their employees as you do and if you click on a link or even open some emails that they send, you fail and get sent to a virtual class or classes to teach you not too. Actually they do this quite often.

If you dont recognize it or if its unexpected dont open it. You can attempt to call the company or person with your OWN contact information never information given to you.
Actually two companies I am talking about, one company you fail just by opening the email. Never mind clicking on the link.
The other company can be a combination of the two.

IN one of the referenced, we are talking about Big companies in a certain industry less than 2 years ago who's computers are taken down and held for ransom unable to do business, some of their systems down for days. (they dont disclose if they paid or not we are talking 6 figure ransoms)
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