Unwanted onscreen McAfee Anti-Virus notifications

Aug 19, 2010
Champlain/Hudson Valley
I need instruction and a course of action.
I own a HP Envy.
Apparently, some anti-virus/anti-malware program has expired.
I get recurrent "Viruses found" notices. They are black squares on the screen's right side.
I click on their X and they go away.
What can I do to stop this? Do I buy their product?
This is blackmail.
I am using Win 7 and when that happens I can click on a gear shaped icon in the top rt corner of the notification and it gives me a choice to stop notifications. I say stop and I do not get them for a while.
From your description, I've think I've gotten similar. You want to go into control panel or settings, privacy and security, permissions, notifications then settings again. You should find the unrecognized culprit in there and be able to delete it.

For me I've found it's a 'fake McAfee' pop up notification. Also Google, "how to remove fake McAfee pop ups". Reddit entry is particularly good.
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I bought a new laptop and it came with a free trial for McAfee . It annoyed the heck out of me for weeks after it expired . I think it has finally stopped .
going into the registry permanently removes unwanted stuff, be careful because when its gone thats it!!
I need instruction and a course of action.
I own a HP Envy.
Apparently, some anti-virus/anti-malware program has expired.
I get recurrent "Viruses found" notices. They are black squares on the screen's right side.
I click on their X and they go away.
What can I do to stop this? Do I buy their product?
This is blackmail.
Go in and uninstall that McAfee bloat ware. Run the Windows Security Suite or whatever it’s called now. Windows Defender?

Hit the 'Clear all site data' button.

EDIT: It most likely isn't McAfee causing these pop-ups, especially if it's using scare tactics like 'OMG Viruses found!! Click on this!!' verbiage. Something annoying is running trying to get you to click on it, but the thing itself is more or less harmless. It needs to be purged and should stay away as long as you don't visit whatever site you went to or click on whatever you clicked on to get it there in the first place.

EDIT #2: The handy 'Clear cookies and site data when you close all windows' option now seems to be gone from Chrome 115+. Thanks a lot, Google.
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going into the registry permanently removes unwanted stuff, be careful because when its gone thats it!!
Don't mess with the registry unless you really know what you're doing. I suggest you un-install all anti-virus software ad rely on the Microsoft Defender. Defender is an excellent anti-malware software. Also, download and run Microsoft's Safety Scanner: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/m...e/safety-scanner-download?view=o365-worldwide. I download a new version on every Monday.
Can you upload a screenshot of this message?

I agree with others, you probably have some malware or virus on your system. What are the names of the things reported? What action does the popup want you to take? Could be a more passive type of ransomware, a 3rd party malware masquerading as an anti-virus, showing false positive, fake alerts, trying to get you to send money to them (not really McAfee).

An anvi-virus would tend to isolate the suspect files in a folder and exclude them from further reports, so it is only a one time event, unless it can't get rid of what it finds, or can't find something that stays resident and keeps re-downloading more malware. If something keeps re-downloading more malware then the system needs to stay off the internet till completely cleaned, and then you might look at suspicious processes in task manager.

Silly question but does the notice state it is from McAfee? Chrome browser also does malware scans, even if you don't want it to, even if you try to stop it from doing them, sometimes even if you have closed Chrome! There are ways to stop Chrome from doing the scans, but it's a cat and mouse game. They have taken countermeasures to prevent online tutorials from disabling that.

All else fails, do a clean windows install. I'd just do it from the HP partition image backup, if it puts bloatware on, that is removable in Programs/Features (add/remove), or whatever your version of windows is calling it.
Chrome browser.

THIS IS LAME, but: where do I go in? Settings?

I looked and found the McAfee name and uninstalled it. I will shut down/turn on my machine now.
In my experience, there's generally a couple McAfee items worth uninstalling in the process.

And I agree McAfee is a virus, first thing I remove from any computer.
Sound like notifications. Edge has this enabled by default, so that sites can send you notifications from the OS. It's extremely annoying.

You can turn off notifications:

And you can check if a website in Edge is the culprit:

I would turn off notifications completely in Edge.
i went into the registry BUT something is stopping deleting McAfee, i have removed junk in the past that way when i am SURE what i am dumping!!