I have had 2 vehicles that were neglected prior to my possession. One was a 2012 Volvo XC60 which had a non serviceable transmission, the only maintenance possible was to drain approximately 2.5 quarts & refill. I changed the fluid perhaps 6~7 times slowly diluting the fluid. The transmission started to shift normally over time.
The other vehicle was a 2005 Mercedes E320 with 170k miles which was behaving very badly. Removed the transmission pan and it was full of sludge but luckily were little sign of metal.
Replaced the xm filter added 4 quarts of atf and had owner stop back in 1 week for another filter & fill.
The atf was filthy so we kept changing it which slowly cleaned it up.
My advice is to avoid a flush and slowly clean it up with frequent filter & atf changes.
If this works you hot off cheap.
Firestone bought all the JC Penny automotive service centers and reportedly is still honoring the lifetime battery warranty if you have the receipt and the original car it was installed in.
Unless something happens to the transmission using it, then all that attractive goes away real quick. There is no one size fits all trans fluid, period. When is says compatible that is just a sales pitch. Listen to Professor John Kelly on youtube about how they fudge the truth.
Great points. People forget the world "suitable for use in..." on a bottle of ATF isn't a glowing endorsement. Its a well defined marketing term that means, "wont wreck your car quickly, if at all."
It's like saying, I have powdered formula, actual mother's milk, and chocolate milk. Which one is best for an infant?
The mothers milk is 100% OEM, formula OE approved generic replacement and chocolate milk is labeled"suitable for feeding an infant."
In fact, chocolate milk is "suitable for use in nearly all humans"
Sounds like the perfect one-size-fits-all thing. Could just replace most foods with it. Its suitable.
I had around that milege on a toyota , and nobody wanted to risk it via the milege and never being done. So i did it myself, super easy as had a drain plug.