Investing Strategies. What is your move?

Well, it also makes me crazy when certain investments that I am missing out on are earning bazillions. But at this point in my life, and at the current portfolio value, the goal is to maintain. The Schwab Wealth Advisory program are the experts. People seem to like self directed, but should I self direct my medical health or go to a Doctor?
So I will reluctantly take my medicine. I hate it when that happens.

This aspect is important too. I have a similar program with American Century/Avantis. I realized a few years ago that I was losing cognitive abilities and the last thing I wanted to do was to make a bad decision with the money I had accumulated. So both age and physical health can play a part in the decision.
A good read on Money Illusion from Avantis.


In a 1974 episode of the TV sitcom “All in the Family,” Archie Bunker gleefully tells his wife Edith, daughter Gloria and son-in-law Michael about his union’s labor settlement in a time of high inflation.

Edith: “Archie, did you get a good raise?”

Archie: “Edith, a three-year contract with 15%.”

Michael: “Arch, what about the cost-of-living escalator clause?”

Archie: “The hell with the escalator, we’re on firm ground with 15%. Now don’t make me mad!”

After Archie and Edith leave the room, Michael tells Gloria, “I didn’t want to spoil his happy moment, but he isn’t any better now than before … Remember reading in the paper that the cost of living went up 12% last year? Next year it’s going up another 8%. That’s 20%. Archie thinks that he’s 15% ahead, but he’s already 5% behind.”

Yellow is a zombie company that’s on life support, they did lots of shady things over the past 10 years.

They have lots of debt and no cash.
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While everyone is going for green energy investments the Buffett and Munger are going in the other direction buying fossil fuels.

While everyone is going for green energy investments the Buffett and Munger are going in the other direction buying fossil fuels.

Makes sense to me, undervalued sector based to a media darling Green Movement void of current reality. Sounds like a perfect move if you think about it long term...

I love this saying that we get tempted to ignore if something isnt fashionable or "in"
“The returns on capital in coal, oil and gas are off the charts compared with other sectors. And with ESG, you can buy them cheaper than you otherwise would.”
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“ The Federal Reserve on Wednesday approved a much-anticipated interest rate hike that takes benchmark borrowing costs to their highest level in more than 22 years.

In a move that financial markets had completely priced in, the central bank’s Federal Open Market Committee raised its funds rate by a quarter percentage point to a target range of 5.25%-5.5%. The midpoint of that target range would be the highest level for the benchmark rate since early 2001. “

“ The Federal Reserve on Wednesday approved a much-anticipated interest rate hike that takes benchmark borrowing costs to their highest level in more than 22 years.

In a move that financial markets had completely priced in, the central bank’s Federal Open Market Committee raised its funds rate by a quarter percentage point to a target range of 5.25%-5.5%. The midpoint of that target range would be the highest level for the benchmark rate since early 2001. “

I think this was pretty much expected. There may be more hikes before the year is over. We shall see.
Is there an ETF that only invests in stocks with the lowest ESG ratings? I'd be willing to bet they outperform the funds that invest in ESG darlings by a wide margin.
Looks like the inverse ESG investing focuses on oil and gas, tobacco, gambling and firearms. I like oil and gas, the others not so much (for investing).
I'm beginning to strongly believe Warren Buffet's investment advice that he gives all the time to whoever asks him:

His advice is: Dollar cost average buy into a low cost S&P 500 index fund and hold forever without regard to current events.

From the research I have done, blindly following this advice likely gives you a better annual return than 90% of all investors.
I'm beginning to strongly believe Warren Buffet's investment advice that he gives all the time to whoever asks him:

His advice is: Dollar cost average buy into a low cost S&P 500 index fund and hold forever without regard to current events.

From the research I have done, blindly following this advice likely gives you a better annual return than 90% of all investors.
But the odd thing is that’s not what he does.

Not saying he is wrong
Yellow is 99% dead.

Good to see UPS employees get what they were asking for. ✊

Yellow begins layoffs today, eventually 30,000 employees will lose their job at Yellow. 😟

Mechanics are being told to immediately remove all personal belongings and tools from shop before they get locked out of facility.
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UPS reached a deal with the Union. No winners or losers here, it was an agreement and meeting of two parties.
My second gripe is, this was just a media event, oh how we "make news" out of everyday life now a days, we suck it up, we are drunk on it. Ive been saying all along over a week ago, there was not going to be a strike, they were down to minor issues, even the media reported it as minor issues down the pages of their bloated stories but I dont know, call me crazy, the public gets excited over the "potential" anything now a days.
So everybody won, UPS management won and the Union won, they came to an agreement. Actually the only losers are the consumers, you pay for it, no one else. *LOL*
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My second gripe is, this was just a media event, oh how we "make news" out of everyday life now a days, we suck it up, we are drunk on it. Ive been saying all along over a week ago, there was not going to be a strike, they were down to minor issues, even the media reported it as minor issues down the pages of their bloated stories but I dont know, call me crazy, the public gets excited over the "potential" anything now a days.
Only the people who don't have any critical thinking skills, nor the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff, get excited about news stories, lol. Guess the media was right if they reported that it was down to minor issues. Union talks can go sideways too without warning, so until an actual agreement is made, nobody knows the outcome. Been there, done that.
UPS reached a deal with the Union. No winners or losers here, it was an agreement and meeting of two parties.
My second gripe is, this was just a media event, oh how we "make news" out of everyday life now a days, we suck it up, we are drunk on it. Ive been saying all along over a week ago, there was not going to be a strike, they were down to minor issues, even the media reported it as minor issues down the pages of their bloated stories but I dont know, call me crazy, the public gets excited over the "potential" anything now a days.
So everybody won, UPS management won and the Union won, they came to an agreement. Actually the only losers are the consumers, you pay for it, no one else. *LOL*

You were 100% correct that UPS would not strike, I was almost certain they would strike.
Good to see them get a pay raise and not strike.
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