Investing Strategies. What is your move?

Gents, I don't dispute a single thing you are sharing reference online shopping as the major and only trend.

With that said,I am in my garage still unboxing stuff from the spring move. I am listening to online radio, out of Laredo TX. The 6pm news said retailers are seeing a shift from online shopping back to brick and mortar.

Just funny to hear that this evening.
Target is the next Sears, and Amazon now makes sales on convenience, Amazon is no longer the universal price leader. I am actually seeing prices on some items like trickle chargers significantly higher at Amazon over Walmart.

I think Walmart is the bellwether for the American consumer spending mindset. Target has been toast for five plus years, and today's Amazon in not the Amazon of just a few years ago. Of note on Amazon, many items say next day delivery, but at checkout are showing a week delivery. Amazon is not linger in fire to make every sale.

I seem to recall that 50+% of Walmart's net sales are grocery today. That likely indeed reflects where consumer spending is leaning given inflation.

Target having issues is more with the products they offer than with the current economics.

Target offers less of a selection, at higher prices than its peers such as Wal Mart. Wal mart sells more items, more choices of the items, and at a better price than Target. Target sells low end product in high end packaging at higher prices. Like Macy's, Target selling low quality product in fancy packaging is not cutting it anymore.
Big YMMV in my opinion based on what you are shopping for. Less selection or selection slanted to different areas at each store. There's definitely stuff at Target I'll pay an extra couple of coins because at least for me it functions better than Walmart low quality product, and vice versa.

Part of the challenge is, most consumers aren't looking to go to a handful of stores for their "big box" needs to fulfill general merchandise purchases. Couple that with the department store reliance on clothing sales that Target and Kohl's have built part of their brand on and it brews trouble.
Yup because we can’t have it both ways. We want to reduce inflation? Ok, that means people need to be less willing/able to buy stuff from Amazon and Target. The sooner these corrective adaptations occur the sooner we’ll be on the other side.
The sad part is the low hanging fruit will be destroyed and the rest of us will have to pay. I will again repeat my self , my parents aunts , uncles and grand parents would alway say save up a cushion in the good times because there will be bad times. They knew I was shamo.
The sad part is the low hanging fruit will be destroyed and the rest of us will have to pay. I will again repeat my self , my parents aunts , uncles and grand parents would alway say save up a cushion in the good times because there will be bad times. They knew I was shamo.
I used to be broke, homeless and drunk. I NEVER wanna be that person again. The hardest lessons stay with you.
The sad part is the low hanging fruit will be destroyed and the rest of us will have to pay. I will again repeat my self , my parents aunts , uncles and grand parents would alway say save up a cushion in the good times because there will be bad times. They knew I was shamo.
That's just basic personal finance 101 - step 1, before retirement, before college savings, before reducing debt, you build an emergency fund of 3-6 months worth of expenses.
The looming rail strike has tech companies switching to trucks for shipments. How will this affect trucking capacity for other goods?

Are the rail strike people wanting reasonable things, or now just trying to hold the country hostage to get some crazy things because they know holding the country hostage gives them big bargaining power.
Are the rail strike people wanting reasonable things, or now just trying to hold the country hostage to get some crazy things because they know holding the country hostage gives them big bargaining power.
You mean like the oil companies? Depends on which side of the bargaining table you are on. This is market capitalism. The only way to control cost for a given product or service is viable alternatives through competition.
You mean like the oil companies? Depends on which side of the bargaining table you are on. This is market capitalism. The only way to control cost for a given product or service is viable alternatives through competition.
I mean sometimes unions and strikers can get really nuts and want some unreasonable demands when threatening to strike. I have a feeling the railway workers may be getting into that realm because they know the power they hold by literally crippling the entire US economy if they do go on strike.
I mean sometimes unions and strikers can get really nuts and want some unreasonable demands when threatening to strike. I have a feeling the railway workers may be getting into that realm because they know the power they hold by literally crippling the entire US economy if they do go on strike.
My understanding is, railway workers are hardly over paid. They don't even get paid sick leave.
But just the same, fairness depends on which side of the bargaining table you are on. I worked far harder as a tree trimmer than a programmer. My bargaining power went way up due to demand; I am pretty sure I they didn't pay me for my looks...
Are the rail strike people wanting reasonable things, or now just trying to hold the country hostage to get some crazy things because they know holding the country hostage gives them big bargaining power.

As I remember one of the big stumbling points are the hours worked. The workers want less hours. How that gets settled will be interesting. The unions should be working on a solution but that’s not their method
My bargaining power went way up due to demand; I am pretty sure I they didn't pay me for my looks...
It seems to me that I have always been paid for my good looks and charms as my skill and brain function compared to all my best friends is in the negatives.
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