Investing Strategies. What is your move?

I remember in the mid 2000’s telling people that housing was becoming a bubble. Lots of them questioned that thinking. Around 2007 the Las Vegas market started to go down. They were one of the huge bubbles at the time. People said it was localized to Las Vegas and we were still safe. Then it started to spread and people said Seattle was safe because the economy was going full blast here. By 2008 it was apparent that no market was immune.

We sold our home in 2008, just as everything started to collapse. We dropped our price 20% and got a buyer. Then came the WAMU failure.

Nothing wrong with having a positive mindset but it also helps to watch for signs that things are about to change.
What is that property valued at today?
Rates are now too high. Economic growth got stifled starting in June
I suspect they will go higher but there will always be companies that make money even in bad downturns. Also with a full workforce the money keeps piling into 401k plans each and every week and the funds are required to invest it.

Dont mistake my post, I thought we are finished a long time ago, but cant invest that way, we will continue to kick the can down the road. Im not sure when we hit the wall and can no longer kick the can but I dont know, when you think about it, the market hasn't gone anywhere the last two years as it is....
With a full workforce the money keeps piling into 401k plans each and every week and the funds are required to invest it.
Although I can't comprehend nor concur, a peer at work believes individual held 401ks and IRAs will be nationalized in the next 10 years as the only bullet left/available to address a looming catastrophic financial crisis.
Then perhaps your analysis is incomplete? Or perhaps is only a point in time? This is where my long term approach differs.
When a assett declines in value that has a lien/mortgage on it, that is a real big issue for many reasons. Sure, it when it comes to real estate it may and likely will recover, but not always, and under who's timeline.....
Although I can't comprehend nor concur, a peer at work believes individual held 401ks and IRAs will be nationalized in the next 10 years as the only bullet left/available to address a looming catastrophic financial crisis.
I doubt that will ever happen ... but I do agree, catastrophic and the young generation has got huge problems but this is the way we and they vote. Kick the can down the road thinking the road never ends.
I find it upsetting that the public fails for it all the time. I felt the same 15 years ago as I do today. You cant borrow your way out of bad management. 2008 was no different, people needed to really feel the pain but we borrowed and never stopped borrowing.
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When a assett declines in value that has a lien/mortgage on it, that is a real big issue for many reasons. Sure, it when it comes to real estate it may and likely will recover, but not always, and under who's timeline.....
Of course. My point is, picking points in time is not a strategy I subscribe to.
I lost money on a home in San Jose in the downturn of the early 90's. I sold at a loss and bought into Los Gatos in the depressed market.
My home value alone gets me into the 1% bucket.

Some areas will always be depressed. I hear Vegas is doing pretty well right now. Must be the Raiders?
Of course. My point is, picking points in time is not a strategy I subscribe to.
I lost money on a home in San Jose in the downturn of the early 90's. I sold at a loss and bought into Los Gatos in the depressed market.
My home value alone gets me into the 1% bucket.

Some areas will always be depressed. I hear Vegas is doing pretty well right now. Must be the Raiders?
Hard to lose anywhere in real estate in the west, southwest, or Pacific region. The migration from east to west has been non stop for over two centuries, and continues today.
Of course. My point is, picking points in time is not a strategy I subscribe to.
I lost money on a home in San Jose in the downturn of the early 90's. I sold at a loss and bought into Los Gatos in the depressed market.
My home value alone gets me into the 1% bucket.

Some areas will always be depressed. I hear Vegas is doing pretty well right now. Must be the Raiders?

That could be attributed to good fortune.

On a side note, we sold our home after taking that 20% drop in price and bought a property in a location I won’t say here. That property value has exploded in value. We didn’t buy it for the investment purpose though. We bought it for the lifestyle opportunities.
I suspect they will go higher but there will always be companies that make money even in bad downturns. Also with a full workforce the money keeps piling into 401k plans each and every week and the funds are required to invest it.

Dont mistake my post, I thought we are finished a long time ago, but cant invest that way, we will continue to kick the can down the road. Im not sure when we hit the wall and can no longer kick the can but I dont know, when you think about it, the market hasn't gone anywhere the last two years as it is....
You might be right.

I am not trying to be a pest, but pretty strong predictions are made, doesn't happen, then silence then more predictions. Yes it's pretty interesting reading, but without the "why" we are left hanging and such predictions start to look a bit silly.

Do I think the USA is in the hopper? A real dumpster fire? Yes, of course. Look at the clowns in charge. But as you say "can't invest that way". The thing is the rate jacking has helped in some ways to slow inflation, but I remain - low rates were not the root cause of the recent inflation. They can be an adder to inflation. But not the root cause. Easy lending money doesn't help. But IF the economy alone is stable, the market sets the rates, interest rates alone are neither inflationary or deflationary. Rates were low for quite awhile, inflation was in check.

Printing money is inflationary. Making dollars from vapor is. Government spending money they don’t have is. All inflationary.

The problem is now - some people figured they better get off the C dole, businesses who were absolutely abused by the shut down , they are trying to crank. Some need money to crank. But that money is now more expensive, so they must jack prices. Energy instability hurts. Leaders taking credit for jobs? Largest joke on the planet.

My main move worked out OK. Investing in BDC's while jacking rates was very very good to me. BXSL, TRIN, FSK, MAIN, etc nice fat returns. My muni bonds have been abusive, but keep paying me tax free.
Of course. My point is, picking points in time is not a strategy I subscribe to.
I lost money on a home in San Jose in the downturn of the early 90's. I sold at a loss and bought into Los Gatos in the depressed market.
My home value alone gets me into the 1% bucket.

Some areas will always be depressed. I hear Vegas is doing pretty well right now. Must be the Raiders?
The Las Vegas housing market peaked in 2007, then bottomed out in 2012. Houses that sold for $400-$420k in 2007 were being foreclosed upon and sold for $135k in 2011-2012. Most of those cheap homes were trashed.
It took almost 10 years to recover to the peak. Now that house is selling for $465k. Condos took a worse beating, and have recovered more. I have a 1 bdrm that's worth at least 3 times the 2012 price.
I'm seeing an increased number of California plates not in the tourist areas, but in the suburbs. To me, it looks very much like another mass migration from Southern Cal.
Houses are selling well in spite of the Raiders. I'm sure when the A's get here we will skip past recession and go into a full on local depression. Hopefully the Stanley Cup winner Golden Knights will pull us out.
The Las Vegas housing market peaked in 2007, then bottomed out in 2012. Houses that sold for $400-$420k in 2007 were being foreclosed upon and sold for $135k in 2011-2012. Most of those cheap homes were trashed.
It took almost 10 years to recover to the peak. Now that house is selling for $465k. Condos took a worse beating, and have recovered more. I have a 1 bdrm that's worth at least 3 times the 2012 price.
I'm seeing an increased number of California plates not in the tourist areas, but in the suburbs. To me, it looks very much like another mass migration from Southern Cal.
Houses are selling well in spite of the Raiders. I'm sure when the A's get here we will skip past recession and go into a full on local depression. Hopefully the Stanley Cup winner Golden Knights will pull us out.
I'm not aware that sports teams played a major role in local Real Estate markets. Especially to the extent of causing a depression. Please explain!
That could be attributed to good fortune.

On a side note, we sold our home after taking that 20% drop in price and bought a property in a location I won’t say here. That property value has exploded in value. We didn’t buy it for the investment purpose though. We bought it for the lifestyle opportunities.
Well done PimTac! I love these stories. People like you don't need no stinkin' lottery.