Prices are staggering, and absolutely destroying the middle and lower classes and anyone on fixed income (such as retirees, those on disability, etc.). If you don't own a home, you are being destroyed financially. If you do, you are simply keeping pace and that "equity" is value only in as much as you can shift from one place to another - if you can. Or cash out and try to find a cheaper region, which are disappearing.
My good friend built a house last year, and building materials drove his entire costs up something like 30% from the prior year. I've been stuck in a rental for 2 years throwing money away watching the market soar, paralyzed between two bad decisions hoping for a burst, but getting eaten alive at both ends renting, and watching home prices soar out of reach. I talk to friends around the nation and it's the same in every state. ****box dumps that were $50k or less and barely livable are $200k. Anything in a remotely welcoming area, sufficient for a small family, starts at $300k in "normal" parts of the nation and quickly get into the high 8 figures if it's at all desirable or quality.
And this has largely occurred since the big events of 2020. There's little explanation other than things directly related to things we are not able to discuss. But the blame should be obvious to anyone with a pulse why the middle and lower class are being gutted.