How old is this Castrol GTX?

Aug 4, 2016
God's country
Found a couple of quarts of 5w30 Castrol gtx in my Dad's shop while looking for old open quarts to use in my old farm tractor air filter. Any idea how old these are? I may use them in my 2008 F150 5.4 for the next oil change.
Use it. I used to use it in my 2004 Ram 1500 5.7 for 3k oil changes intervals for a lot of years. Worked just fine.
I worked at a grade a market,grocery store 1989 to 1994 , as a 14 to 19 year old.back in 1992 to 93, as a 17 to 18 year old,they had ShopRite I think brand oil, and Castrol. I think it was gtx. I don't remember what weight it was,im assuming 5w30. But onback of container,I seem remember Australia ,a trademark or something,a possible kangaroo. I remember the Australia wording ...seem to think a kangaroo was printed left of the Australia. Same store, sell Pennzoil yellow bottle now.
Our local shell has station, way over priced even then, I went in one night 1993. Curious seeing it like 5 days a week. They had shell gire and ice oil,on small front desk counter shelf. Seen to remember, the fire was dark orange or red,and the ice wording, medium blue. Black containers . It was fun advertising then!