How much wildlife do you see from your house window?

Not in my yard, but about 1/4 mile away. Someone snapped a pic of a mountain lion in town. About 1 block from our local McDonalds. Maybe raiding trash cans and dumpsters, or straying pets?
Moved to a new area back when we lived in Southern California up against the foothills. Beautiful area. The city had much open space. They built a brand new elementary school right up against the hills. The children were educated on snakes. The first year there were more than a dozen rattlers that found their way on to the playground and were relocated.
After the first few-they were non events for the kids, teachers, parents, etc.

Used to hike with the wife-and I was always in front-she a half dozen paces behind. I looked out for snakes in the mountains of California. There were a few in our path. They either moved when the saw us-or we walked around them. You are educated on never stepping over a large rock or tree branches, etc., unless you can clearly see the the other side and what MAY BE lurking underneath.
A few neighbors had them show up in back yards as well. Usually wrangled by a neighbor with a shovel-put in a 5 gallon pail and thrown backup to the hillside.

In most cases the critters were in the area way before they built houses......

They relocated a Bear from a tree in Downtown Salt Lake City just last week. A very rare occurrence.

Suggest GON doesn't look anywhere in the SouthWest for a house then.....
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I see dumpster pandas, gophers, murder birds, humming birds, ravens, many other birds including parrots in my backyard at my place in the city. On my Marin property I see mostly birds but no parrots.My dog Cuddles keeps the ground dwellers away. But I see coyotes, bobcats, deer, possums, rabbits, and coons in the neighborhood. Around the beach shack I get gulls, foxes, and I have seen cougar prints and scat. Stinks.
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We've had rats, deer, opossums, turkeys, a rabid skunk, gophers, a vole, a momma duck with 10 ducklings, raccoons, snakes, lizards, hawks, many birds, squirrels. Not all at the same time, thankfully. I wish we had tarantulas. That would be cool.
These were all taken from our bedroom window, or pulling in the driveway (the burry one is a coyote, and zoom in near the tractor for the snake).... Lots of turkey, deer, coyotes, gophers, possums, raccoon, rabbits, vultures, skunks, fox, snapping turtles, snakes, blue herons, an occasional small bobcat, and on rare occasions, an eagle.

On very special occasions, a Warthog, as in A-10 (neighbor is a pilot) doing very low passes. Although I havent seen him in a while, neighborhood Facebook page says he and the family moved out of the area...


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In my yard? Nothing at the moment. But I have seen mule deer, elk, and the occasional moose, hawks, eagles, squirrels. Cameras have caught raccoons, bobcats, mountain lions, and a bear or two.
This Spring has been delightfully active with wild critters. I have a fox or two running around, some rabbits, deer, opossum and armadillo digging holes in the lawn, a big 5' long rat snake that scared me half to death when I stepped off the mower, squirrels, birds out the wazoo,,, and my cat. I keep full feeders out for everyone and two bird baths that the birds love to splash in. It's a full-time job.
Yes, feeding critters is s job and expensive!