How much wildlife do you see from your house window?

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, these guys show up once in a while too. This is a Glass Snake, which isn't really a snake at all, It's A Lizard!
Glass snake.jpg
My favorite sighting happened about 2 years ago while bicycling through a vacant office complex just behind my house. A Bald Eagle swooped down no more than 15 feet from me at eye level and then flew up giving me a perfect view of his/her back. It literally sent chills down my spine it was so amazing. It was almost as it was either protecting his territory or just felt like showing off. Other than that, deer are regular visitors. We have ducks, Blue Herons, snapping turtles on occasion, racoons, skunks, squirrels, foxes, opossums, swans and a bear once in a while. I don't feel like I live in the country but we do have quite an assortment to keep us amused.
Foxes and raccoons interested in chicken coop.

Rarely a Bobcat and it’s kittens and occasionally have osprey, red tail hawks and eagles flying around.
Mostly birds; Mocking, Starlings, Jays, Mourning Doves and Hummingbirds (can't see them but I hear them). And Axel, the white cat; AKA, Axehole, as he's known around the neighborhood.

Lots of fence lizards, mantis, lady bugs and black widows. I did see a baby snake once, years ago.
Saw a pair of bald eagles getting the treatment from the red wing blackbirds today. The eagles started showing up a couple years ago.
I get a ton of deer by my place - they walk right beside the window of my office in the house. The occasional rabbit, racoons, bald eagles, ravens/crows, tons of other types of birds (woodpeckers are common). Quite a few rats, as we live right on a golf course and in an area where folks tend to let garbage accumulate
I live in New Jersey and get absolutely everything you could think of including bear, coyotes and fox. The coyotes are really entertaining to hear at night.
Two weeks ago, while I was working in California, my Wife called me in extreme panic. She was sweeping the porch and a rattler got between her and the door. The next day she was in the bathroom and a tarantula paid a visit.

Things went downhill from there.

Decades ago, we returned from our 2 week summer vacation. The college couple we hired to tend pets/mail/etc. were in our back yard sitting in our very tiny kiddie pool. Does this count as wildlife??

internet pic, in case wondering
Deer, fox, yote. Out on the deck I just saw pelicans fly by. My old acreage we had most of the same but also the odd bison. They were less than 100m from the house and got out from time to time. Had one bull outside the kitchen window, eating our flowers.
Whoa…. that’s a game changer! Is she still living in the same house with you now?
Great question- she moved out the same day, went to live with her cousin 200 miles north, until I could return home and find us a replacement home to rent. Was not a good situation, and on top of that I had paid the rent in advance, so was a costly situation.

I don't fault my Wife. The home we rented was owned by a well-off elderly woman. She simply didn't care to "pest reduce" the home. The home has a flat roof. The HVAC routes in the space between the rook and ceiling. The ceiling vents were full of insulation. This suggests pests had torn through the duct work between the roof and the ceiling and had seamless access to the interior of the home. Doing reading, some articles pointed to a tarantula nest in the area between the roof and the ceiling.

Was not a fun event. I had to return to the home and pack everything up myself and move the items to our new rental home. Funny, with certain actions, venomous snakes and spiders are not likely to be a issue. And I didn't mention the numerous scorpions I found in the home....

The funniest part of it all, my Wife hasn't driven by herself over 10 miles one way in decades. Spiders and snakes changed my Wife's desire to drive away from home....
Great question- she moved out the same day, went to live with her cousin 200 miles north, until I could return home and find us a replacement home to rent. Was not a good situation, and on top of that I had paid the rent in advance, so was a costly situation.

I don't fault my Wife. The home we rented was owned by a well-off elderly woman. She simply didn't care to "pest reduce" the home. The home has a flat roof. The HVAC routes in the space between the rook and ceiling. The ceiling vents were full of insulation. This suggests pests had torn through the duct work between the roof and the ceiling and had seamless access to the interior of the home. Doing reading, some articles pointed to a tarantula nest in the area between the roof and the ceiling.

Was not a fun event. I had to return to the home and pack everything up myself and move the items to our new rental home. Funny, with certain actions, venomous snakes and spiders are not likely to be a issue. And I didn't mention the numerous scorpions I found in the home....

The funniest part of it all, my Wife hasn't driven by herself over 10 miles one way in decades. Spiders and snakes changed my Wife's desire to drive away from home....
My wife would’ve been the exact same way! Out the door and far away. I’m not sure how soundly I could sleep after seeing those two guys either so chances are, I might’ve left with her.
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