How much wildlife do you see from your house window?


We have too many chickens running around, Taco the rooster was a favorite of the kids. We did have a brave fox last year, that grabbed a few hens, but he is usually a blur of red, leaving a few feathers in his wake, so I never get a picture of him.
This Spring has been delightfully active with wild critters. I have a fox or two running around, some rabbits, deer, opossum and armadillo digging holes in the lawn, a big 5' long rat snake that scared me half to death when I stepped off the mower, squirrels, birds out the wazoo,,, and my cat. I keep full feeders out for everyone and two bird baths that the birds love to splash in. It's a full-time job.
Squirrels, snakes, mice, deer, turkey, coyotes, and this time of year many rabbits. The rabbits like to hang out under my vehicles to get some shade. They are getting brave. I can be working on a vehicle, and they will just be hanging out nearby.
Lots of birds including hawks and eagles, Deer, squirrel, rabbits, coyote, fox, Bobcat, mountain lion, bear, skunk, opossum, raccoon, gopher, mole, voles and mice.

I have the Salinas river right behind my house and it is a animal superhighway
I live 3 miles from downtown Atlanta in townhome community.
I've seen coyote, racoons, opossums, squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks, hawks, owls, and a snapping turtle. Deer are in the area but not in my development due to the fence.
Deer, coons, possums, deer all maner of song birds, hummingbirds Canada geese, eagles, owls and herons (one of my favorites) Also a cameo from a bobcat.

The river is my back yard and my front yard has a view of the neighbors field and timber ground.


Squirrels, snakes, mice, deer, turkey, coyotes, and this time of year many rabbits. The rabbits like to hang out under my vehicles to get some shade. They are getting brave. I can be working on a vehicle, and they will just be hanging out nearby.
A couple of years ago I had a rabbit that would hang around my garage door. My opening it and going in and out didn't phase it. I was disappointed that it didn't have the professional courtesy to pretend like it was scared... :D
Night time is the best time in the river valley. Early spring brings Canada geese, spring brings a deafening chorus of frogs.. Summer brings the prehistoric herons squawking, and all times of the year, I get to hear owls and coyotes.. I don't love my house but sure do love where I live!

The bobcat shot is right out my back window - it's scanning the bank and frozen river



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We regularly see the hawks in flight and their tails are of course amazing when fanned out. But I never see them land on my deck until the other day.

I would say he was here for the view but he can get better views in the air.
We regularly see the hawks in flight and their tails are of course amazing when fanned out. But I never see them land on my deck until the other day.
View attachment 224347
I would say he was here for the view but he can get better views in the air. View attachment 224348
Lots and lots of murder birds in my area too! Everything from Kestrels, Coopers Hawks, Red Tail Hawks, Eagles and probably some I don't know about.
Moose, eagles, once in a while bears, rabbits, dogs from around that know I have snacks.

Moose are almost a daily thing. Have had 5 or 6 at a time some days.

I cut some trees this winter and it was like the Royal Fork buffet line in my dooryard.