How much wildlife do you see from your house window?

Mar 17, 2008
I am lucky that we live in a subdivision that has an open field, woods and drainage ditch behind me. As such I get to enjoy lots of wild life passing by. I regularly see: deer, ground hogs, skunks, raccoons, possums, hawks, turkeys, squirrels, chipmunks. On a rare occasion I have seen a coyote and fox. Of course I feed birds so I see all kinds of those. I just really enjoy seeing them.

How about you ?

OMG, at first glance I thought you had a UFO landing in your yard. Then I realized it was a Hummingbird feeder.
To stay on topic, I have the occasional deer, opossum, racoon, squirrels, rabbits ect. Not usually destructive. I'm only a mile as the crow flies to "The Country"
Momma started staying close the the house, then Sunday morning she delivered. We saw the baby just after being born, and she quickly moved it to the woods.

They know that the closer that they are to the house, the safer they are from coyotes.
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Mostly birds and squirrels. I heard and saw a dumpster panda the other night just under my office window - that was pretty exciting. Every few years we have a fox that uses a den in the front yard and all Spring the pups will be out there every morning playing. That's about it.
OMG, at first glance I thought you had a UFO landing in your yard. Then I realized it was a Hummingbird feeder.
To stay on topic, I have the occasional deer, opossum, racoon, squirrels, rabbits ect. Not usually destructive. I'm only a mile as the crow flies to "The Country"
Mostly birds and squirrels. I heard and saw a dumpster panda the other night just under my office window - that was pretty exciting. Every few years we have a fox that uses a den in the front yard and all Spring the pups will be out there every morning playing. That's about it.
I love seeing foxes and love the fun babies
One year bunnies (find them annoying cuz of the vegetable garden) built a nest near our AC condenser, and I actually checked on them over a couple of weeks, and watched them. Took pics. One day their mother saw me and never approached but didn’t leave and watched from a distance.

The day came when they were all gone. I actually felt sad. I guess nature is a beautiful thing in reality.
We live within 1/2 mile of our counties 150 acre nature preserve. There are so many Deer here they’ve gone from being cute to pests. My wife feeds them corn in the winter then cusses them in the warm months for eating her plants. We hear Owls most every night but I’ve only seen them a few times in 30 years. Possum, ground hogs, squirrels and the occasional Fox. And Roxie…the outdoor cat.


Deer, ground hogs, rabbits, owls, hawks, squirrels, foxes and the occasional turkey. There was some kind of animal crying the other night in the woods behind my house. Bone-chilling. It woke my wife up.
My house is tucked in hundreds acres of woods with a hay field out front between the house and the road. I see everything including the 5 wild animals that are biologically mine.

We have lots of neat birds. A pair of blue jays built a nest in a tree in the back yard we could see real good till it leafed out. There was a cardinal that kept knocking itself out on the windows. Woodpeckers, bluebirds, some yellow finch thing, blue jays, barn swallowes, and even a hawk.
Squirrels, rabbits, robins, cardinals, blue jays, sparrows. I don't see them regularly but there have been possums around. And one very well-fed racoon. It lives under the deck around the neighbor's in-ground pool and will visit our trash bin when it wants a snack. I have to give the thing credit, when it does visit, it doesn't scatter trash around the yard or leave the lid open, but I know it's been there due to the bags in the bin being torn open.

And Mom's house is on a path that sandhill cranes use to migrate so we get to see them pass by in the spring and fall.
I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains with woods in the back so I get lots of critters, including deer, possums, ground hogs, skunks, rabbits, raccoons, hawks, eagles, squirrels, vultures, chipmunks, foxes, snakes, field mice, dogs, cats, bears, and about 30 varieties of birds at the feeders. Haven't seen coyotes yet but have heard them and seen their paw prints in the snow.
I love seeing foxes and love the fun babies
The foxes use to be quite use to people around here but one of the neighbors decided to trap them. The foxes disappeared for a year but I see sign of them again. Haven't seen any actually though. Last time my pear tree was dropping all the fruit I had a fox that would come out and eat them along with possums and raccoons with me sitting about 20 ft away.