How many GenX'ers do we have?

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$50 site donor 2024
Nov 5, 2009
As my wife and I sit having a few drinks listening to a GenX classic...INXS's had me wondering what % of the BITOG-universe falls into that generational sweet-spot between the lame Boomers and participation-trophy loving Millenials...born from 1965-1979?

1972 here.

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In the last year or so I've really become more aware of the (now multiple) generational divides as I catch myself using words that are no longer really in vogue or "modern" such as: hi-tech, camcorder, tv program, etc. I have a feeling every generations feels theirs has an edge on others but Gen X was really an interesting transition from a mostly 100% analogue world unless you were super wealthy or super tech savy to one that now operates in a mostly digital landscape. For mainly sentimentality, my wife (a later-millennial) and I watched the entire series of the original "Dallas" (1978-1991) on Amazon over the course of a year or so and I enjoyed seeing how the technology changed and was integrated into their office life. I fondly remember watching many of the episodes at my grandmas kitchen table while she was baby sitting me.
*raises hand* born in the late 60s - GenXer who grew up helping boomers and Silent Generation with "new tech", like computers, while I was proud to be an early adopter of Netscape web browser & using an ISP with my ultra-fast 56k modem > vs the boomers/silent generation surfing/chatting on AOL. As for the Millenials & Gen Z, helped them with "old tech", like how to drive a manual transmission, for example.

GenXers are like the grease in the geartrain - necessary but under-appreciated.
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