How many GenX'ers do we have?

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Am i the youngest person on this whole forum? Im Gen z (atleast i get a cool letter instead of something dumb like millennial) and yes the memes posted about us are pretty accurate, most gen z kids are dumb as rocks and half of them don't know their own gender. So im stuck chatting with old people because most others are kinda annoying and don't care about cars
'71 I was born during an 18" snowstorm, then bitter cold. My Mom still tells about my Dad and his brothers trying to get her to the hospital and getting stuck. She wasn't very happy with them. 52 years later they all still live in the same town and all see each other regularly. Mom may still be a just a wee little bit mad about being left in car that was stuck in a snowdrift while they went for help. :)
Am i the youngest person on this whole forum? Im Gen z (atleast i get a cool letter instead of something dumb like millennial) and yes the memes posted about us are pretty accurate, most gen z kids are dumb as rocks and half of them don't know their own gender. So im stuck chatting with old people because most others are kinda annoying and don't care about cars
My kids all Z are good...I have hope for their Gen!
Being raised in a different culture and country, that ran a couple decades behind US, definitely makes my child-to-teen years be more relatable to a Gen X, while my birth year says Millennial. I deeply hate most millennials though... Too many of them go woke.
Sincerely a guy who was born in 1993 and watched a movie on VHS cassette just a few hours ago.

P.S. I miss "DENDY" (unofficial 8-bit Nintendo clone for Russia and post-USSR countries, assembled in Taiwan from Chinese components) and "SEGA". Although "SEGA" was for the boujee crowd, where I'm from.
Her and I are past INXS and onto....The Smiths!
I'm 40 so I guess that makes me a millennial. Not a fan of the stereotypes for any of the generations though. I'd rather be judged as an individual than collectively. That's how I try to view others too. I've never had a strong desire to fit into any of society's groupings. I'm just me.
I'm 40 so I guess that makes me a millennial. Not a fan of the stereotypes for any of the generations though. I'd rather be judged as an individual than collectively. That's how I try to view others too. I've never had a strong desire to fit into any of society's groupings. I'm just me.
This is the most Millenial post ever.
Her and I are past INXS and onto....The Smiths!
Ah, the Smiths... I dated a French girl in college because I happened to wearing a Smiths concert Tee in the residence hall cafeteria. Our 1st date was going to the Sid and Nancy flick at the college theater.
Too much effort. More fun to jack with yours. Love Clint and never owned white Nikes. Great reference, dad owned a Gran Torino. Turd of a car.
But you want those Nikes....I know it...with jorts.
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