How long is Sta-bil good for?

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May 12, 2003
Lake was really low this summer and I got a Seadoo this year. Had a lot of fun with the Seadoo and didn't take the boat out. Lake got lower and lower. Started hearing about other boaters loosing their outdrives and props because of previous submerged objects are now literally popping up. In other words, I ain't taking my boat out this year. I winterized like usual last year and ran the boat just about out of gas and then poured a bunch sta-bil in it, and then ran it some more to make sure that stuff got good inside the carbs. Winterized the cylinders with MMO. Anyway, if I take it out next year, think the gas in it will still be good? Or maybe I should just go ahead and yank the carb off now anyway. Been wanting to do a carb overhaul. The boat is a '96 Mercruiser 3.0LX, two barrel carb.
On the Stabil bottle that I have, it says, "Preserves Fuel Stability Up to One Year".From personal experience, I have gone about 8 months with a full tank of gas and Stabil, and I had no problems, Joe

[ August 24, 2006, 11:39 AM: Message edited by: Joee12 ]
8 months is about as long as I have gone also, and also never a problem. I do believe fuel will be preserved longer in a non vented container than a vented container. Someone on a race team I worked with asked the fuel distributor how long the fuel would remain "good" if left in the sealed 55 gallon drums. His reply was it would not go bad as long as the seal was never broken, and years later it would still be fine. Once the seal was broken though it's a different story. If it matters--we were talking about leaded racing fuel of around 114 octane.
It's definently vented. Maybe I need to add a little more to it this winter.
I don't know if it is an option, but I like to store the boat with a full tank of stabilized gas all winter (8 months or so) and come spring time, I siphon out all the boat gas and burn it in my truck. The boat gets a fresh tank right before it's first start.

Maybe your could siphon out the current tank, burn it in another vehicle and top up with fresh gas and stabil. That way you should have no worries come next spring.
Check the back of larger containers of Sta-bil, someone mentioned that they have the dosage for two years(double the sta-bil and mix thouroughly).
I've had real good luck with Pennzoil marine fuel system cleaner and stabilizer. Use it instead of stabil. I just noticed the metal cans and tanks I store full look a lot better than they did when I was using stabil. Plastic cans I store empty.
FWIW: My outboard mechanic recommends OMC 2 + 4 Fuel Conditioner over Stabil. Don't really know how much difference there is between the two.
I use Stabil all the time, i've stored things as long
as 2 years or more, i do triple the recommended dose when
i do a long store, NEVER any carb problems.....

I don't know if it is an option, but I like to store the boat with a full tank of stabilized gas all winter (8 months or so) and come spring time, I siphon out all the boat gas and burn it in my truck. The boat gets a fresh tank right before it's first start.

Maybe your could siphon out the current tank, burn it in another vehicle and top up with fresh gas and stabil. That way you should have no worries come next spring.

Why would you burn gas that isn't good enough for your boat in your truck? Unless you are only talking a small amount that can be diluted down. Bad fuel can raise heck with your injection system in todays vehicles.
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