How likely are you to return cooked food ?

Mar 17, 2008
Last night we ordered a pizza from our favorite place. I brought it home and it was overcooked and wasn't extra sauce like I requested. I called them and told them and they made another much better one for us.

Normally I am pretty lenient when it comes to food at restaurants and rarely ever make a complaint or request a remake. The wife on the other hand has no problem making them fix what she feels is wrong.

How about you?
It depends.

I the case of a delivered pizza, which admittedly we don't have no. A picked up pizza no. At a place maybe.

If I am at a place I don't know well, nope. Have you see the people cooking the food?

Yes they will pee in the pancake batter, spit in your sammy or worse.

I just don't go back. If you deliver a knowingly crappy product then you just don't care and I know all I need to know about how you operate.

Now if its just a mistake, like I ask for no something it normally comes with but they add it - I let it slide, mistakes happen.

My thoughts as well. Accidents happen and I'll still eat the food - if it's something I don't mind. I'll give a spot a second chance but gross negligence will turn me off permanently and I'll just make a mental note to never go back.

On that note; if the food has bugs or something nasty of the like, I am going straight back but I will ask for a refund. I will not eat anything else from that place.
We like our pizza well done so unless it's burnt, it's either just right or under-cooked. This is perfect:

My wife likes her steaks cooked. No red. I have a wider range of preference. Steaks are difficult and I think it's silly when I read reviews that someone ordered a steak medium-rare and they sent it back because it was medium.

I, for sure, send things back when it comes with things that I'm allergic to and I specified to hold that. If I'm not allergic, I just kick it off. One thing that I hate is when the menu describes the dish with a litany of ingredients but when it arrives it's full of something that I don't like that wasn't in the menu's description.

I sent my entree back last weekend and told the server to take it off the bill because it arrived too late. Told him to bring all the food at the same time for my wife and me but for some reason he delivered my wife's food but waited 30 minutes to put my order to the kitchen.

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Never, I don't complain, but you have to understand that I will eat virtually anything even if I don't like it. My ability to eat whatever comes from my childhood. We didn't get to be picky. The rule was if you don't eat it, then cook your own meals. I don't care to cook, but love to eat, so the choice was easy.
Never, I don't complain, but you have to understand that I will eat virtually anything even if I don't like it. My ability to eat whatever comes from my childhood. We didn't get to be picky. The rule was if you don't eat it, then cook your own meals. I don't care to cook, but love to eat, so the choice was easy.
We had the opposite problem-eat it, or you get nothing! That's why I can handle Brussels sprouts & asparagus!
Nope, no way...I know what cooks do when you ask for a remake, YUCK!!!!

I have had several EXTREMELY unprofessional folks in charge of cooking for me at restaurants that have made for extremely unpleasant meals. One was about 20 years ago, and I still can't recall it without gagging...had SEVERE food poisoning.

One that was harmless, but still P1553D me off was at a local Wendys. I asked for a deluxe burger with everything on mayo. I was in a hurry, and trying to get back to the office in time for a meeting. About halfway back I finish the fries, pop open the burger and take a huge bite. NOTHING on it except mayo. I almost threw up. No time to go back...spent the afternoon hungry.

No mayo is about the extreme I go with special requests...I almost never ask for anything out of the ordinary, but I sure do seem to get creative chefs more than my fair share.
In my youth I had two very close and trustworthy friends; one worked at a well known burger place, the other at a well known sit down diner. At the burger place their was a guy who made what I'll call "saliva shakes". At the diner, there was a guy who put his DNA in the 1,000 Island dressing. Sick whackos. Sick, sick whackos. I fear what I'd do to them if I met them in a dark alley after realizing I ate their stuff.

Whenever I get a fast food sandwich or burger I always open it up and inspect the contents before eating it.

Obvious bio-like substances like chest or nether region hair that was not explicitly ordered is going to be sent back. I am always polite about it, being a cook or chef is not an easy job at all.
In my youth I had two very close and trustworthy friends; one worked at a well known burger place, the other at a well known sit down diner. At the burger place their was a guy who made what I'll call "saliva shakes". At the diner, there was a guy who put his DNA in the 1,000 Island dressing. Sick whackos. Sick, sick whackos. I fear what I'd do to them if I met them in a dark alley after realizing I ate their stuff.

That's disgusting :sick:. Luckily none of the staff at the 3 restaurants that I've worked at have ever contemplated that; I trusted the staff enough to call out anybody immediately if they did it.

Edit: I did see a chef at a sushi place I used to work at not wash his hands after using the bathroom. I quit that place very shortly thereafter.
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Never have never will even if food is completely wrong coming out of the kitchen and staff service was fantastic I still tip or my case generally over tip the same I'd never take it out on the serving staff.
If I am at a place I don't know well, nope. Have you see the people cooking the food?

Yes they will pee in the pancake batter, spit in your sammy or worse.
My worries exactly. I just move on...

Worked at a place as a teen. Owner was a jerk. Saw a cook blow his nose on a hot beef sandwich for the owner, then put on the gravy and sent it out to him.:mad:
Unless it was really botched, I'd bad about asking for food to be taken back and redone. I know restaurants operate on tiny margins, so it would make me feel crappy. I've seen some people complain and ask for something to be redone, and I looked at it and couldn't figure out what the problem was.
I normally don't, but I do cut into a steak to make sure it is cooked the way I asked. That is about the only thing I will send back. But I am of the wwilson type, will eat most anything. Mom made us eat whatever she made like it or not. And then those wonderful C rats and LRRP rations while in Nam. Not much I don't like anymore.
I have only rarely sent anything back, I know the potential consequences. Wife does it fairly often. I have warned her to no avail. I sometimes skip a place for a decade for poor service or bad food. I usually relent after that ten years and re-appraise.
I return nothing. I just don't go again. My wife and stepdaughter on the other hand... Let's just say I won't go out to eat with them anymore. My wife alone, of course. Every time we would go somewhere, their food goes back, it holds up everyone and then, 99% of the time my stepdaughter tries to get whatever she didn't like taken off the bill. I'm tired of it.
The best was this one time we were having breakfast at this place in a little beach town where everyone knew everyone. They knew we were not locals. My wife and her daughter ordered something they dreamed up that was a variation of what was on the menu. They didn't like it and sent it back. The cook made it again and they still didn't like it. They spent thirty minutes disputing the bill. My son and I waited outside. A few months later, we went back and they left us standing outside and seated people walking up. I said to my wife, you're flagged. We can't eat here anymore. A few months after that, my buddy invited me to meet him there. I had no problem.
Following father's day, my wife says want to go to Jojo's? I said not with you, I want to actually eat.