Effect of restaurant reservation cancellations on restaurant bottom line

Its cultural. I heard it reported recently that campgrounds experience around a 40% cancellation rate. I believe we will see more of it since "ghosting" is such a big thing now.

Well that is no surprise here in Iowa. The calendar opens for reservations very early in the spring...everybody jumps on it and books out the entire summer. Then you just drop the weekends you don't want just before the date. It royally tees me off trying to get a camping spot to the point we sold our camper.
The Florida state parks reservation system is a huge mess. The state has taken back control from the contractor that had run it for a few years. Lots of resellers scamming the system. Its gotten to the point where its just not worth the hassle.
If it is important enough to make a reservation, it is important enough to pay at least 50% up front. It is difficult for me to understand how self centered people can be.
Within the last 8 years I’ve had a christening and first communion reception, roughly $2,000 each before tip, no deposits taken. Therefore nothing in writing. In both cases I wish deposits were taken to show we have a day and time reserved. Nothing went wrong either time.

We’ve also had child’s birthday party’s, done it about 6 times. Each time a deposit was required.

Imho seems the classier the venue, the more events are word of mouth. I don’t know why it’s been multiple decades since I worked in a restaurant.

About self centered people. I can’t stand people who rsvp to a wedding and don’t show. It’s like they inflict financial harm on a couple. Cause them to pay for their plates and no gift.

On appts in general, apps seem to work. Seems that they give people priority over walk ins. Even when late.
This is also a 2 way street. Out of the last 4 reservations I've made, there's been a 20 minute wait at least before we can be seated 3 of the 4 times.
I think that time is money both ways. If I'm late, charge me a few bucks more. If I'm on time, and they are late, charge me a few bucks less. I will give credit to all 3 establishments, when I said that a couple of comp drinks were in order due to late seating, they agreed. I don't drink, but she does, so that's $20-25 bucks I saved, and it only costs the restaurant 2-3 bucks to make them.

Quite a few places around here will charge a bit for larger party reservations that are not refundable.
I made a personal decision years ago based on treatment I received at places that required reservations that if they required reservations, they weren’t going to get my business.

I can get treated badly for free with no reservation hassle anywhere; on the flipside, I can also appropriately tip excessively wherever I receive service that exceeds what I’m used to anywhere I eat. They’re free to their business decision, and so am I. Both parties get exactly what they hoped for. Ain’t capitalism grand?