How about doing a 360 on short final

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Feb 15, 2003
Jupiter, Florida
Kind of a cool video as it has both the cockpit and ground based video.

Ya don't see airliners doing that here, that's for sure.
Golly, he makes an approach like I do, right of runway centerline with a last minute correction.

Back in Kansas at Boeing we were testing out some new avionics in a KC-135 after a tornado had passed to the east and the wind changed at the last minute upon final to McConnell AFB and we had to do one of these. AF pilots are superb at handling these last minute situations.

Below is a picture of the tornado taken with a telephoto lens as we were passing west of the supercell.

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360 on final is fine, but not at that altitude. Climb and get yourself set up again, but don't circle at 200'. There is nothing more worthless than altitude above you. That close in he should have done a go-around.
Originally Posted by MolaKule

Back in Kansas at Boeing we were testing out some new avionics in a KC-135 after a tornado had passed to the east and the wind changed at the last minute upon final to McConnell AFB and we had to do one of these.

I was stationed at McConnell AFB 81 to 88... mercy flat and featureless Kansas is no place for a native Californian...
Originally Posted by wwillson
360 on final is fine, but not at that altitude. Climb and get yourself set up again, but don't circle at 200'. There is nothing more worthless than altitude above you. That close in he should have done a go-around.

Hahahahah 200?? I think he never got much over 100 feet in that 360. A 727 has a wingspan of 108 feet, so each wing is about 48 feet. But yes, we tu lo
Originally Posted by bdcardinal
Considering that is Mogadishu wouldn't being that low be safer taking into account SAMs and what not in the area?

I'd think the only kind of SAM one would expect in Somalia is a MANPADS, and that kind of weapon works just fine when a plane is low.

OT but related: I'm just finishing an audiobook of Black Hawk Down....
Originally Posted by Cujet
Kind of a cool video as it has both the cockpit and ground based video.

Ya don't see airliners doing that here, that's for sure.

Like a Boss !
A 360 at a hundred feet is something I would've done in a fighter.

Not in an airliner with 180+ people on board. Regardless of skill.

Airlines operating in Africa have over 20 times the crash rate of those in North America and Europe, and this video shows another reason why that's the case...
Originally Posted by Astro14
A 360 at a hundred feet is something I would've done in a fighter.

Not in an airliner with 180+ people on board. Regardless of skill.

Airlines operating in Africa have over 20 times the crash rate of those in North America and Europe, and this video shows another reason why that's the case...

Don't you figure this was probably hauling freight instead of passengers?
Putting stuff like this on YouTube is a double edged sword.

Yes it might look cool for some but if the names of the crew get out they might regret having this on social media. It's not hard to track these days.
Was that even enough time to be sure the other plane was clear off the runway? Was anyone talking to ATC about it? (Is there even ATC in Somalia?)
Originally Posted by Yah-Tah-Hey
A Spartan go around.

Hahahahha, yes. The goal is to get the wingtip as close to the water as possible without touching. Otherwise you lose the game.
Originally Posted by DeepFriar
Today, students, we will be discussing stabilized approaches ....

Why bother when the PF can fix things without any fussy approach procedures?
The PF in this case was either really good or a lucky fool.
Either way, I can't imagine that this guy would keep his ticket in any developed world country.
Originally Posted by DeepFriar
Today, students, we will be discussing stabilized approaches ....

Let's not forget a go around 360 while still in ground effect ...‚
Originally Posted by Cujet
Originally Posted by Yah-Tah-Hey
A Spartan go around.

Hahahahha, yes. The goal is to get the wingtip as close to the water as possible without touching. Otherwise you lose the game.

I don't understand the constant Spartan references....

Please explain.
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