Help - Teenager, not Me, has Admin on Computer...

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Originally Posted By: addyguy
Um, I'm sorry, but you're the parent here. Man up!

Take control of the situation...if the computer is being used for improper purposes, REMOVE IT!
This would be my solution. Don't try to hack into it. Just take it.
If you are deadset on getting the password, download an ophcrack ISO, burn it and boot from the CD. I use it all the time to recover systems from owners in your situation, as well as owners who lose/forget the password. Don't know if the Vista version will work on WIN7.

Good thing is you can crack the password without anyone knowing, get into her account while she is in school or out of the house, ck the history, and either sigh with relief, or take appropriate action. IMHO, right to privacy doesn't apply to minors, under my roof, that I pay the bills for.

I would love to respect a minor's online privacy, but kids can be incredibly ignorant/stupid and get into serious trouble. If you weigh the privacy vs potential trouble that can come with unsupervised kids/teens, as a parent I will err on the side of caution every time.

Problem is Windows is an inherently insecure OS, and kids have tremendous networking advantages as I am sure some of their friends went through similar situations and figured out a way to bypass a parent's efforts to limit their internet activity. If one kid knows a solution, then all kids know a solution.
If the money isn't a problem, buy her a new computer for Christmas and confiscate the old one....and make sure the new one has you as the admin.
Originally Posted By: fredjacksonsan
If the money isn't a problem, buy her a new computer for Christmas and confiscate the old one....and make sure the new one has you as the admin.

I hope you are kidding. If they don't give up the password and follow the rules, you take the dang computer away. Simple. Who is running the household these days, the kids or the parent? I know its not the kids in my house.

I understand it is a stepchild here, but rules are rules.
Wiping the computer is not an option, too much school stuff on it..
Originally Posted By: punisher
If you are deadset on getting the password, download an ophcrack ISO, burn it and boot from the CD.

How does this work...??

Does it give me the password??
Forget about Net Nanny. Get in the pc without her knowing and install monitoring software. Leave the password the same. Don't block anything just monitor first to see what she does. Try Once you see what she is doing then you can begin to block or talk with her about activity.
Originally Posted By: tpitcher
....& the 12 year old uses it also.

Originally Posted By: tpitcher


I found racey pictures on Facebook of her.... She's on other stuff too...

Your issue is not just the 15yr old SD...its the younger one too. If the younger one comes across the racy photos of the older, she may think this is acceptable behavior, and your problems compound. You should be genuinely concerned about what you haven't found, You should share this concern with your wife. Facebook is a pretty public domain and most people aren't as willing to share everything about themselves knowing this, hopefully there is not more discreetly shared data out there in its many forms. Outgoing information can be very compromising, and unfortunately predators are searching for unprotected teens and pre-teens. Maybe the 15yr old doesn't know all the consequences of the choices she is making?
A lot of sage advice from various BITOGers.

Truth is, since she is your stepdaughter, it's still best to consent with your wife to ensure that she's on your side, no matter how bad the situation may spiral out of hand (that way, she (wifey) cannot turn against you 1/2 way through the process.

There are many ways to skin a cat RE: locking down the account. While it is somewhat beneficial to lock down that way, unfortunately, unless you are extremely computer-savvy (and you know how to lock her account down with granularty w/o upsetting her or her activities), otherwise: consequences are follows:

a) she gets upset over you being overly tight on her security measures, then she resort to spending time over at her friend's place using their/her friends computer to gain access to the internet ...

conequence: lose control of her/the ability to monitor her entirely.

b) have a round table meeting with your wife by your side: and explain to her (treat her like and adult and have adult conversations with her, not just being commanding and such) and told her that while your only concern is her safety on the internet (prey'ed by pedophiles, etc.), have a written consent agreement for her to sign (give her time to think about it, just like an adult would) a written consent (with your wifey's co-signature to agreement, as a 3-party agreement) to install monitoring software on her PC.

You have to make the written committment that you all shall sit down w/ regular meetings (every 3 months or so, make time for it) as a light-hearted means of discussing the logs with her...sometimes, consult her for certain activities or new technologies (to keep her intterested in the converstation and keep the conversation light-hearted).

also: in your written agreement: make it absolutely clear that when emergency arrives (during log reviews by you), you'll have the right to call for a meeting to discuss and act upon it (and make sure she agrees with it).

That way, you can have the upper hand of the situation.

Also: if you or your wifey knows her friend's parents, and such, bring forth the idea of what/how you impose your control (logging/watching software) onto her PC and also let them know that this is for your kid's safely on the internet.

If they can agree with what you do and go along with doing the same thing with their kids then great! you have a close community support! otherwise, you'll be fighting an uphill battle.

Good luck!

If she's "exposing" herself online (figuratively) with racy pics and such, it can come back to bite here big time in the future. Employers now, as part of background checks and investigative consumer reports, search for you online.
Originally Posted By: rewote500
Forget about Net Nanny. Get in the pc without her knowing and install monitoring software. Leave the password the same. Don't block anything just monitor first to see what she does. Try Once you see what she is doing then you can begin to block or talk with her about activity.

Sounds good, but how do I see what she's doing later?? I would still need to get her password to open it up later, right? Or not?
Originally Posted By: tpitcher
Originally Posted By: rewote500
Forget about Net Nanny. Get in the pc without her knowing and install monitoring software. Leave the password the same. Don't block anything just monitor first to see what she does. Try Once you see what she is doing then you can begin to block or talk with her about activity.

Sounds good, but how do I see what she's doing later?? I would still need to get her password to open it up later, right? Or not?

Might be worth a try.

I still think you get on the same page with your wife and tell the daughter to give up the password or loose the computer. If you can't agree and get that accomplished you have worse problems that the computer account to deal with.
Oh, yea, as I said earlier, the wife is ok with whatever I think is right as we are very similar. The 15 year old has been good in the past, 3.8 GPA, etc, but past few months, coorelation to being on the computer too much, her grades has gone down.

The kids will be gone this weekend, so I want to see what's best here with the help from you guys, and put it on the computer this weekend...
Nope. All her activities are uploaded to a website which you can view from any computer anytime. After you monitor you can use the software to block if you like but then she will know it is there. The software can even take pictures of the screen for you to view. Logs all email, chats, web searches, websites, etc. You will not need to have access to her computer anymore after the software is installed.
Oh it will also log all keystrokes which means you will get her username and passwords for email, facebook, myspace, etc.
Originally Posted By: rewote500
Nope. All her activities are uploaded to a website which you can view from any computer anytime. After you monitor you can use the software to block if you like but then she will know it is there. The software can even take pictures of the screen for you to view. Logs all email, chats, web searches, websites, etc. You will not need to have access to her computer anymore after the software is installed.

Which of the softwares are you talking about in this post?
Originally Posted By: tpitcher
Originally Posted By: rewote500
Nope. All her activities are uploaded to a website which you can view from any computer anytime. After you monitor you can use the software to block if you like but then she will know it is there. The software can even take pictures of the screen for you to view. Logs all email, chats, web searches, websites, etc. You will not need to have access to her computer anymore after the software is installed.

Which of the softwares are you talking about in this post?

Probably the WebWatcher that he mentioned in his previous post.
the OP is justified in being worried. I remember being 19 years old, getting my first computer, and getting AOL back in 1996. The internet was so crazy. I was up to no good. I did alot of shenanigans back then. I'm married now, so I hang out on car message boards. the thrill of the hunt is gone.
Its much much worse these days. With much bigger consequences. If a 14-15 yr old girl/boy was sent an inappropriate picture of a fellow same aged minor, and they were found in possession of it (on cell phone, on computer no matter) its enough to set them up on charges of possession of child porn, even though they themselves are minors. These kinds of charges stick a long time, can even make them be listed as sex offenders.

This can have outreaching effects to the parents of minors as well. If your kid has inappropriate images on their PC or phone in your house of minors, you can be implicated as well, especially if you knew about it.
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