Help locating Schaeffer's NAPA address

Sep 2, 2015
Picked up an oil analysis kit at NAPA through Schaeffer's. Assuming kit was old as not NAPA'S current kit. Took sample and mailed (in postage paid envelope) and didn't take note of address. Coming up on 2 weeks and haven't heard anything.

Does anyone remember address and or company Schaeffer's used for their oil kits when available through NAPA?

Otherwise could have been lost in the mail?

Appreciate any info.
Picked up an oil analysis kit at NAPA through Schaeffer's. Assuming kit was old as not NAPA'S current kit. Took sample and mailed (in postage paid envelope) and didn't take note of address. Coming up on 2 weeks and haven't heard anything.

Does anyone remember address and or company Schaeffer's used for their oil kits when available through NAPA?

Otherwise could have been lost in the mail?

Appreciate any info.
Schaeffer's uses...
Some of my samples have taken some time. Did you write down the tracking number? I usually snap a photo of it.

Regrettably, no. It is USPS, so maybe took longer to arrive. Finger crossed. Thanks everyone.