Headliner Replacement - Dual Overhead AC Controls vs. Original Single Controls Compatability

Mar 17, 2011
I need to get a replacement headliner (the main fiberglass shell part) for my 2003 Suburban.
I currently have a long overhead DVD player for the rear row seats. It is never used and never will be used. All it currently does is support the headliner.
The front has overhead lights and rear AC Controls
I cannot find this same configuration in any local junk yards.
There are plenty that have the same front lights and AC controls, but have rear AC controls accessible for rear row instead of the DVD player, which makes for a different size hole in the headliner.
I don't mind switching over to this configuration instead of the DVD player, but since that was not part of my factory setup am concerned about wiring compatibility. I would use the wiring harness that comes with the donor headliner and it looks like the wiring plug in ports would be the same at the main power block. (cannot confirm pin-out, but the shape of the connectors looks the same).
Does anyone know if the dual AC controls would create any AC control problems for the rear AC on my existing Suburban or is the 2nd set of controls just run in parallel to the front controls?
The donor headliner is from a Yukon XL and says "computer climate control" on the 2 overhead controls. The Suburbans do not say that on their controls. Not sure if this would make it not plug and play which is what I am looking for.

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You could start by comparing the schematics of the wiring diagram of both vehicles. This would provide you with a high level insight on the compatibility. I would think both vehicles would be close but it still could be possible that yours may have a different body control module that affects the rear AC operation.
Yes it will work as normal. The rear controls do not have control until the front controls are selected to rear.
The computer climate control moniker on the 2000 to 2002 GMT800 SUVs is the electronic climate control.

Your 2003 uses a different HVAC system than 2000-2002.

The main differences are between 2000-2002, electronic, manual single-zone or manual dual-zone and sunroof or non-sunroof.

Is your fiberglass backing to your headliner broken or bad? Reupholstering turns out nice.

If you do use this headliner, and transfer your wiring harness, find a matching sunroof/non-sunroof and elec/manual climate control/map light assembly and use it.
3rd vote for redoing your current headliner - I have had it done before and they come to you and it's done like factory. It usually runs around 200 for this service.