Grits. Yeah Or Nay?

I generally don't care for cooked cereals, but it depends on the grits! I've certainly had good grits at Brenda's Meat&Three. Their beignets are also excellent. I don't like to advertise products or restaurants but I;ll make an exception. Have a meal at Brenda's if you are in town.

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My born and raised in S.C. sister-in-law, makes the best grits on the planet! Nice and creamy with a dollop of butter, crispy bacon crumbled over them and topped with a fried over easy egg. Along with a hot butter milk biscuit or three with home made apple butter and I’m in geechie boy heaven! Go ahead......Google “geechie boy grits”....:love:
NOTE - please keep this civil. No need for any North vs. South arguments or insults. I know many take Grits as some kind of religion so let us all relax and remember this is just food we are talking about.

Okay, for me, it has to be a big nay. I just have never understood people's love affair with Grits?
I see people eat them on TV and roll their eyes in ecstasy talking about how creamy and delicious they are and I am like huh?
Maybe it is something as simple as you have to grow up on them like Italians with Polenta( another yuck from me ).

Now, before anyone says anything about you live in the North and thus know nothing about Grits let me say I have tried them many times in the South where they are a mainstay. I have eaten them in restaurants and people's homes from Virginia to the Carolina's to Georgia. I have had them prepared properly but just do not care for them.

I have never had Grits that were truly smooth as people describe them. They always have some of that corn meal sand like "grit" in them. I find it very unpleasant. I also don't care for the taste of them either. At least not when they are plain with just some butter or maybe cheese stirred in. I can never eat more than a bite or two at most when they are served plain. I can choke them down if they are covered in gravy/sauce and I have something else to mix in with them( shrimp, or other seafood, meat,. etc... )but not plain. Yuck!

Sorry if I am offending anyone. Not trying to do so. If you like them all the more power to you. Actually, I will make it up to you and let you have my bowl of Grits as an apology.

I guess I am asking for someone to school me on Grits and why people like them so much? I find it hard to believe every cook that has made the ones I have tried didn't know what they were doing. All Grits actually have some "grit" in them right?

So who here is a Grit fanatic? When do you eat them, how often do you eat them, and how do you like them prepared? And I know, real slow cooked Grits and not quick Grits.
Here in La. grits are the second most grand dish to rice. (y) 😋
Not all people who are born in the South like grits! Not all people who are born in the North like Scrapple! But I’ll take either over Poutine! :sick:
I like grits as long as they are made correctly aka homemade because Waffle House and Cracker Barrel cannot make them correctly and so they taste like water. My mom is the only one in my family who doesn’t like grits. It’s a big dish down here in the south.
Poutine is French fries with cheese curds and gravy poured over them. It originated around Quebec and is pretty common there and in northern Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.
Shrimp and grits. Shrimp and deer meat with red eye gravy. And, some home made French bread and/or biscuits to sop up the gravy!
C'est Si Bon, mon sha'!
A Coonass/Cajun is the only one that can tell you how much gravy it takes to cover a rice field. 😋
So I suppose you're no fan of Cream of Wheat either? I know an upscale restaurant in FL that lists its version of grits on its dinner menu as "Georgia Ice Cream." Personally I'll eat cheesy grits and any good offering of shrimp and grits.

Don't forget the trial scene about cooking grits in "My Cousin Vinnie."
Love Cream of W heat. ;)