Grits. Yeah Or Nay?

Jul 7, 2007
NOTE - please keep this civil. No need for any North vs. South arguments or insults. I know many take Grits as some kind of religion so let us all relax and remember this is just food we are talking about.

Okay, for me, it has to be a big nay. I just have never understood people's love affair with Grits?
I see people eat them on TV and roll their eyes in ecstasy talking about how creamy and delicious they are and I am like huh?
Maybe it is something as simple as you have to grow up on them like Italians with Polenta( another yuck from me ).

Now, before anyone says anything about you live in the North and thus know nothing about Grits let me say I have tried them many times in the South where they are a mainstay. I have eaten them in restaurants and people's homes from Virginia to the Carolina's to Georgia. I have had them prepared properly but just do not care for them.

I have never had Grits that were truly smooth as people describe them. They always have some of that corn meal sand like "grit" in them. I find it very unpleasant. I also don't care for the taste of them either. At least not when they are plain with just some butter or maybe cheese stirred in. I can never eat more than a bite or two at most when they are served plain. I can choke them down if they are covered in gravy/sauce and I have something else to mix in with them( shrimp, or other seafood, meat,. etc... )but not plain. Yuck!

Sorry if I am offending anyone. Not trying to do so. If you like them all the more power to you. Actually, I will make it up to you and let you have my bowl of Grits as an apology.

I guess I am asking for someone to school me on Grits and why people like them so much? I find it hard to believe every cook that has made the ones I have tried didn't know what they were doing. All Grits actually have some "grit" in them right?

So who here is a Grit fanatic? When do you eat them, how often do you eat them, and how do you like them prepared? And I know, real slow cooked Grits and not quick Grits.
I have never had grits except when down south, but personally I kinda like them. But then I also like corn meal mush, which is just ground corn cooked up. Same stuff you make cornbread from.
So I suppose you're no fan of Cream of Wheat either? I know an upscale restaurant in FL that lists its version of grits on its dinner menu as "Georgia Ice Cream." Personally I'll eat cheesy grits and any good offering of shrimp and grits.

Don't forget the trial scene about cooking grits in "My Cousin Vinnie."
I could leave them. They seemed super bland when I had them at Cracker Barrel down South. Which were free and came with the dinner entrée if you wanted them. Maybe you're supposed to add butter, honey and who knows what else but I couldn't get into them. Their cornbread muffins were pretty good.
I think it is sort of like how the Asian eats rice porridge and pickled vegetable for breakfast: it is something most people grow up with rather than being a delicacy that we all can agree upon (like ice-cream or orange juice).

Tried it, not my thing, but I guess others say the same about New England Clam Chowder or soy milk.
Originally Posted By: NormanBuntz
Don't forget the trial scene about cooking grits in "My Cousin Vinnie."

Originally Posted By: My Cousin Vinny
Gambini: So, Mr. Tipton, how could it take you five minutes to cook your grits, when it takes the entire grit-eating world 20 minutes.

Mr. Tipton: I don't know. I'm a fast cook, I guess.

Gambini: I'm sorry, I was all the way over here. I couldn't hear you. Did you say you're a fast cook? That's it?! Are we to believe that boiling water soaks into a grit faster in your kitchen than on any place on the face of the earth?!

Mr. Tipton: I don't know.

Gambini: Well, perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove! Were these magic grits? I mean, did you buy them from the same guy who sold Jack his beanstalk beans?!
You add enough butter and salt to anything and it'll taste good!

I don't mind grits once in a while. But when it comes to breakfast carbs, I go all the way and get biscuits and gravy.
I like grits, i like shrimp, i like cheese. I don't like any of them mixed. Shrimp and grits are nasty to me. I only like grits for breakfast.

I assume we are talking about real grits, not the instant junk.

I hate cream of wheat.
Yellow stone ground grits cooked in half water and half buttermilk. Seasoned with salt, fresh ground pepper, finely diced fresh ginger, and butter. A bit of sour cream in the mix sometimes and cook them at least twenty minutes. You'll want to use regular grits, not the 'quick grits'. Stir in some fresh parsley the last minute or so for color and a bit more flavor. Sauté some finely diced onions, red bell pepper, and celery and top with hot sauce for the bayou version...

I've converted many a non-believer with the above grits. I've had my share of bland tasteless grits which is mostly what you get in diners etc. Personally don't make them or eat them much anymore, as have been trying to do the paleo/primal thing the last few years.
Grits with a bit of honey. It is very good despite being a Yankee I actually like grits but without cheese, shrimp!?, or any other mixture you can think of. Grits with a bit of honey please.
We like grits.
Your post has reminded me that we haven't had them since we were last down south in March.
Properly prepared grits are nice and creamy. Without something added, they are quite bland, just like rice, pasta or potatoes.
Stir in a little butter or grated cheese and they're very good to eat.
Grits were once the primary carb side dish in areas where neither wheat nor potatoes could be grown in the era when foods were not typically shipped long distances, like the American South.
This is also how cornbread came to be the choice of the South.
You must be a really picky eater.
Originally Posted By: mcrn
I really like cheesy grits with hot sauce! or shrimp and grits.

Amen!! Love them with eggs in the morning.