Gold Bars/Ingots

Nov 19, 2023
I'm looking for a way to cast ingots the size of those gold bars on TV. I only need to make 2, I think a sand cast would be ok but how to make it?
What metal will you be casting?

I’ve seen how casting is done, and once you get up to the size you’re talking about, it takes a tremendous amount of heat, and can be quite dangerous.

I got a “behind the scenes” tour of this place - which uses bronze. Fascinating from both the artistic and metallurgical perspectives.

But it made me realize that casting something big, in a metal like bronze, is way outta’ my league…

Well if I had an ingot, or could borrow one I'd be all set! Its hard to find people that have one, or would let me borrow one. (I think, I never asked!)
Even if someone could measure their gold bar for me would be a start.
Those are the small ones....I'm talkin 400 troy oz movie size ones....
Thats why I can't borrow one, I think!
The googly tells me 10.7 x 3.2 x 5 (approx)
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Those are the small ones....I'm talkin 400 troy oz movie size ones....
Thats why I can't borrow one, I think!
The googly tells me 10.7 x 3.2 x 5 (approx)
You’re not actually talking about casting a gold bar of that size, are you?

Why take about a million dollars of gold from a form that is liquid/fungible (actual bullion with assay and stamps) into an ingot that is very difficult to transfer or sell?

Splash an ounce or two on the floor, which you will, and you’re out several thousand $$…
No, sorry its not for actual gold, I just want the size! If I could do that I would be on a different site asking different questions!!
If you just want a metal the size of gold bar.... I think it might be easier to just buy a metal piece and then machine it to the size you want. Casting high melting point metal is a lot of work and almost always look worst DIY than buying something already made in a large factory.

Is it just for decoration? or need to have a metal like function (machine parts, etc).
I'm looking for a way to cast ingots the size of those gold bars on TV. I only need to make 2, I think a sand cast would be ok but how to make it?
What metal? Lead? Copper? Those two and a few others it's possible, but always dangerous. Frankly the way you ask, seems like maybe just a don't do it is best until you really learn how to's possible to make or buy a furnace, but as rank amateur I advise you learn from someone else.