Fuel oil for heating toxicity

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Dec 5, 2003
Arlington, Washington
My Daughter has a fuel tank that is leaking in her apartment. They have been staying there for a few days getting headaches etc from it. Her cat has been there the whole time. I told my daughter that they need to be staying in a hotel while this problem fixed.
I told her it's pretty toxic and to get away from it pronto. She is in Portland, ME where it's extremely cold with no heat and fumes.

My daughter also has asthma

Please advise........



New User (2)
How Toxic is breathing the fumes from fuel oil?
The year 2007 The fuel oil from our storage tank leaked, the oil ran down the side of the house into the footer drain causing the fumes to come into the house. For two weeks we smelled the fumes. I still keep coughing up phlegm. My wifeThe same condition, she feels that it messed up her Thyroid she now has to have B12 shots?
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Brain (20,099)

Fuel oil is very toxic, and the mist has coated the lungs ,with a fine film inside of the lungs ,and can cause cancer ,and breathing conditions ,to worsen over time . You need a doctor for this condition, i wonder how you made it this far, without some help. This would be like living inside a fuel tank , for 2 weeks and most people would die ,after 30 minutes from the fumes . You must have gotten enough good air, to let you live thankfully and you should move out of the house now .This stuff does not leave the dirt or the house, it only gets weaker smelling ,but is still there 24/7 . The EPA should be called in to clean this up, because this is a spill of good size. The neighbours are in danger also ,if any one finds out about this they will arrest you for not telling this ,and getting it fixed ."This is very serious" , now am not going to tell on you, but ill bet you some one will ,and do not stay in this house a minute longer .You better get a doctor's care now.

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Submitted 995 days ago...



New User (5)

Yes the fumes are very toxic and we had one customer where there was a spill and was being attended by the contractor. However, the owner developed chemical burning of throat and had to be relocated. Once they used VaporRemed the odor had gone almost instantly and they could seal the basement and the owner came back to his house. The fumes from these spills are very toxic and they need to be addressed quickly and effectively. I am giving you a link to the case below.
http://www.sarvabioremed.com/vaporremed-1/heating-oil-spill-in-a-basem ent-in-ohio/file
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Those quotes are pretty alarmist, unless there's some pretty wierd additives in the heating oil.

I had to do a workplace safety risk assessment for atomised R&O 32, and the airborn mist has to be pretty woicked to be a problem, and a leaking tank just isn't going to atomise it like that.
I don't know about how toxic it is or it's potential to harm health, but FWIW #2 fuel oil is essentially the same thing as diesel.
Originally Posted By: meangreen01
I don't know about how toxic it is or it's potential to harm health, but FWIW #2 fuel oil is essentially the same thing as diesel.

Yes I was thinking that it's like diesel.
Get Out.

There's a reason that the side of gas pumps has a warning about breathing the vapors. Hydrocarbons are bad for you.
If she's getting headaches, she's breathing in too much. I imagine the cat isn't feeling any better. She should stay in a hotel; some allow pets.

Is the landlord actively working to fix this? She's paying for a place that isn't currently safe to live in.
Like she said a guy came over to visit and he had a headache within a half hour. She has asthma which concerns me. She said that with the weather in Portland, ME she breathes in in the cold weather with a scarff on and it hurts her lungs.
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